
  1. 重庆市中山古镇旅游开发探讨

    Exploration and Discussion about the Traveling Exploitation in Zhongshan County of Chongqing

  2. 中山古镇农村社区慢性非传染性疾病综合防治模式研究

    On comprehensive prevention mode of chronic non-infectious diseases in Guzhen township , Zhongshan city

  3. 中山古镇:在历史与现实之间

    History and Reality of Zhongsha Town

  4. 本文通过笔者在中山古镇灯具企业的实习经历和市场调查为根基,对国内灯具企业设计方法与流程进行分析。

    In this paper analysis domestic lighting design and business process base on the author of enterprises in Zhongshan Guzhen lighting internship experience and market research .

  5. 座落于广东省中山古镇的尼好灯饰厂创立于2005年。是一家集开发,设计,生产及销售水晶蜡烛灯为一体的灯饰厂家。

    As a professional crystal candle lamps manufacturer which integrate the development , design , production , sale and customize all products according to samples from customers .

  6. 最后在文章的第6章提出了古镇灯饰产业集群可通过政府策略、企业策略、中介策略来提升中山古镇灯饰产业集群的竞争力从而成功实现产业集群的升级。

    Finally , the conclusions of the article put forward by town lighting industry cluster strategies , corporate strategies , intermediate strategies to enhance the Zhongshan Guzhen lighting the competitiveness of industrial clusters to successfully achieve the industrial cluster upgrade .

  7. 本文通过分析中山古镇灯饰专业市场的演化发展过程,功能的弱化和再定位等问题,展现出专业市场随着集群产业的发展进化而不断的演化升级的过程,探寻专业市场制度演化的规律。

    This paper analyses the evolving process , functional weakening and functional reposition of the lighting trade market of Guzhen , Zhongshan , showing its ever evolving process along with the development of the lighting industrial cluster , probing the law of institutional evolvement of trade market .

  8. 中山市古镇小学生龋病的防治效果评价

    Effect Evaluation of Dental Caries in Pupils of Guzhen Town Zhongshan City

  9. 健康教育对改进中山市古镇基层医务人员高血压相关知识、态度、行为的效果

    Effect of Health Education on Improvement of KAP about Hypertension among Grassroots Medical Workers in Guzhen Community , Zhongshan City

  10. 论珠江三角洲专业镇经济的发展&中山市古镇灯饰专业镇的个案分析

    On Economic Development of the Specialized Township in the Pearl River Delta & Case Study of Lamps Town of Guzhen , Zhongshan City