
  1. 别墅型DMG分体式太阳能中央热水系统应用技术

    Appliance Technology of DMG Separated type Solar Energy Central Hot Water System for Villa

  2. 压缩式热泵热水机组在中央热水系统中的应用实例

    Application of Heat Pump Water Heaters in Central Hot Water System

  3. 厦门市中医院太阳能中央热水系统设计

    The Solar Central Water-Heating System Design in Xiamen Chinese Medical Hospital

  4. 别墅型太阳能中央热水系统

    Solar central hot water system of villa and its application

  5. 中央热水机组的选型与配置

    The selection and scheme of central hot water units

  6. 并提出普及太阳能中央热水系统的方案和建议。

    All solar hot water system and make the central programmes and recommendations .

  7. 太阳能热泵技术在中央热水系统中的应用

    The Use of Solar Energy Heat Pump Technology in the Hot Water System

  8. 家用壁挂式燃气中央热水机控制器产品设计及其可靠性分析

    Product Design and Reliability Analysis of Home Wall Mounted Gas Center Water Heater Controller

  9. 试论电蓄热式中央热水系统

    On Electrothermal Accumulator Based Central Hot Water System

  10. 中央热水机组的单片机控制

    Central Heating Equipment Controlled by Single Chip Microcomputer

  11. 普及住宅建筑太阳能中央热水系统的探讨

    Popularize the discussion of the solar energy central hot water system of residential housing

  12. 现代化城市建设与中央热水器的发展

    Modern Urban Construction and Development of Central Heaters

  13. 高效节能的太阳能-热泵中央热水系统

    The center hot water system of solar energy-heat pump that are high efficiency and economize on energy

  14. 我国的能源政策、环保发展、市场需求都将为燃气分户供热系统提供良好的发展契机,也为壁挂式燃气中央热水机提供巨大的发展空间。

    Energy policy , environment development and market require of our country are beneficial to household-based gas heat supply system , that give home wall mounted gas center water heater a chance to develop .

  15. 根据福州地区的自然条件,针对福州地区住宅建筑利用太阳能的现状,阐述在福州地区的住宅建筑普及太阳能中央热水系统的可能性和意义。

    Under natural conditions Fuzhou region , the use of solar energy for residential construction Fuzhou region of the status on the Fuzhou region in central solar water heating systems for residential construction and the possibility of meaning .

  16. 中央燃气热水器的嵌入式控制系统设计

    Design of Embedded Control System for Gas-Central Water Heater

  17. 新型中央冷热水复合机组的研究与开发

    Development of a central cooling / heating unit

  18. 空气源热泵热水设备在中央供热水工程中的应用

    Application of the air source heat pump heating water equipment in the central heating water supply project

  19. 简要介绍中央冷热水复合机组的结构和功能,这种机组采用固体吸附式制冷技术和常压液膜扰动式中央热水机实现供冷供暖。

    Briefly describes the structure and function of a new kind of central cooling / heating unit based on solid adsorption refrigeration technology and an atmospheric liquid film disturbed water heater .

  20. 户式中央空调冷热水系统排空气问题的探讨

    Air Extraction Innovation of Water Cool and Heat Unit in Room Style Central Air Conditioning System

  21. 制冷、制热、制热水组合式小型中央空调中央热水器系统的研发及市场分析

    Development of Cooling , Heating , Water Heating Triple Mini-type Central Air Conditioner / central Water Heater System

  22. 本文介绍了制冷、制热、制热水组合式小型中央空调中央热水器系统的的特点、工作原理、性能参数,并进行了市场分析。

    This paper introduces the features of cooling , heating , water heating triple mini-type central air conditioner / central water heater system , working principles , performance parameters and marketing characteristics .

  23. 文章介绍了户式中央空调冷热水系统的组成,分析了该系统内空气存在的原因,并提出了增强户式空调冷热水系统排空气能力的几种方法。

    By studying the composition of the water cooling and heating unit in the room style central air conditioning system , the paper analyzes the cause of existence of air in the unit , and finds out the ways to remove the air in the unit more smoothly and quickly .

  24. 中央空调冷冻/热水管伸缩器破断分析

    A Failure Analysis of the Flexible Pipe in Central Air Conditioner