
  1. 2008年粮食价格上涨引发的骚乱困扰了世界许多国家和地区随后不久金融危机便导致世界经济探底。

    Riots connected to rising food prices were troubling many parts of the world in 2008 shortly before the financial crisis provoked a dip in the world economy .

  2. 他写道,这可能会推动美国经济二次探底。

    It was likely this would push the US into a double-dip recession , he wrote .

  3. 无论如何,对经济二次探底的焦虑有增无减,说明这些差强人意的经济增长数据到底不值得庆祝。

    In any case , growing anxiety about a double-dip recession meant the half-decent growth figures were barely celebrated .

  4. 短短几天之内,一个共识浮出水面:大多数的分析师认为经济二次探底的可能性在30%-40%之间。

    In a matter of days , a consensus quickly emerged : most strategists now place the odds of a double dip at 30-40 % .

  5. 乐观者仍多于悲观者的健康态势让我确信,全球经济二次探底的可能性继续减弱。

    The net balance of optimists versus pessimists remains healthy , something which reassures me that the possibility of a double-dip recession continues to diminish .

  6. 这波购买浪潮正为金属和矿物价格提供支持。此前,受人们担忧经济二次探底的因素影响,大宗商品价格本月出现了下跌。

    The wave of buying is providing support for metals and minerals prices after commodities prices fell this month amid worries about a double-dip recession .

  7. 当美国正在为经济二次探底的风险坐立不安、欧洲正四处寻找下一场主权债务违约危机的迹象时,亚洲却信心十足。

    As the US frets about the possibility of a double-dip recession and Europeans scour the horizon for signs of the next sovereign debt default , Asia is in confident mood .

  8. 放眼未来,到底有没有人知道,假如(比方说)全球经济二次探底、欧元区陷入通缩型衰退,欧洲央行会如何应对?

    Looking ahead , does anyone really know how the ECB would react if , say , the global economy went into a double dip and the eurozone lurched into a deflationary recession ?

  9. 然而,这些举措均在市场普遍预期之中。经济学家警告称,它们远不能修复增长放缓、美国经济二次探底威胁以及日元升值对信心的损害。

    The moves had been widely anticipated , however , and economists warned they fell far short of restoring confidence battered by slowing growth , the threat of a double-dip recession in the US and a rise in the yen .

  10. 欧洲央行(ecb)昨日预测,欧元区今明两年的增长将比此前预期的强劲得多,从而排除了经济“二次探底”、重回衰退的可能性。

    The European Central Bank yesterday forecast that the eurozone would expand this year and in 2011 much more strongly than previously expected , ruling out a " double dip " back into recession .

  11. 今年下半年,我国不太可能出现经济“二次探底”的情况。

    China is unlikely to see a " double dip " in its economy in the2nd half of this year .

  12. 贝南克上周对国会说,我们预计美国经济不会二次探底,而是会继续呈现温和增长。

    We don 't see a double-dip recession , ' Mr. Bernanke told Congress last week . ' We see continued moderate growth . '

  13. 美国经济面临二次探底?面临着糟糕的负债协议,膨胀的经济恐慌,更长时间经济低迷的风险,美国经济前景黯淡

    Time for a double dip ? A lousy debt deal , rising fears of a recession , the danger of longer-term stagnation : America 's outlook is grim

  14. 纽约大学(NYU)经济学家诺瑞尔•鲁比尼本周三在迪拜表示,油价达到140美元/桶可能意味着“部分发达经济体将开始陷入经济二次探底”。

    Oil hitting $ 140 a barrel could mean that " some of the advanced economies will start to double dip , " NYU economist Nouriel Roubini said Wednesday in Dubai .

  15. 随着经济形势每况愈下,防止经济二次探底的重担就落在了白宫和国会的肩上。

    With the economic picture darkening daily , the burden of preventing another slump is falling on the White House and Congress .

  16. 该委员会预计,在未来9个月里,欧元区的季度增长率将不超过0.1%,并补充称,无法排除以下可能性:即出现经济萎缩,并导致经济二次探底。

    The Commission expects no more than 0.1 per cent growth a quarter over the next nine months , adding that a contraction , creating a double-dip , cannot be ruled out .