
jīnɡ jì ɡōnɡ sī
  • broker;brokerage
  1. 日本日兴证券(NikkoCordial)委托外部机构进行的一项调查发现,这家日本第三大证券经纪公司的最高管理层及其私人股本子公司的首席执行官,参与了该公司的会计欺诈案。

    Nikko Cordial 's top management and the chief executive of its private equity subsidiary were involved in the accounting fraud at Japan 's third largest broker , according to an outside investigation commissioned by the company .

  2. 我国期货经纪公司若干管理问题的探讨

    Exploring of some problems about management of futures broker dealers in China

  3. 他的证券经纪公司在1987年的股市狂跌潮中遭受重创。

    His stockbroking firm was hit by the 1987 crash .

  4. 这个经纪公司挖掘了默默无闻的娜奥米,并把她打造成了世界顶尖模特。

    The agency plucked Naomi from obscurity and turned her into one of the world 's top models .

  5. 女孩子一旦打响名气,事无巨细全会由她的经纪公司来安排。

    Once a girl has made it into the major league every detail is mapped out by her agency .

  6. 她的经纪公司HenemManagement很快就对所有关于她整容的谣言和猜测予以了否认。

    Henem Management quickly denied all the rumors and speculations that she had undergone cosmetic surgery .

  7. 期货经纪公司的CRM系统

    Customer Relationship Management System of Futures Broker Company

  8. 作为总部位于美国田纳西州纳什维尔的VectorManagement总裁和创始人,莱维坦素来行事低调,但他领导下的经纪公司,却是音乐界最不张扬、却生意兴隆的公司之一。

    The president and founder of Nashville , Tennessee-based Vector Management maintains a low profile but he heads one of the most quietly prosperous management companies in the music industry .

  9. 去年年底,麦当娜和老东家华纳音乐结束了长期合作关系,并以天价签约演唱会经纪公司LiveNation。

    Late last year , Madonna ended her long relationship with Warner Music Group Corp and reached a recording deal with concert promoter Live Nation Inc.

  10. ABC期货经纪公司风险控制

    ABC Futures Brokerage Company Risk Control

  11. 衍生品经纪公司MFGlobal首席经济学家奥沙利文说,市场上仍有大量过剩房屋。

    ' There still is a huge , huge excess of homes , 'says Jim O'Sullivan , chief economist at MF Global .

  12. 该公司已聘请内地经纪公司中信证券(citicsecurities)担任a股上市顾问。

    The company has hired CITIC Securities , a mainland broker , to advise on an A-share listing .

  13. 卡萨布兰卡于1970年在纽约创立了Elite经纪公司,并领导其发展成世界最领先的模特经纪公司。

    Casablanca set up the Elite agency in New York in1970 and made itsintosone of the world 's leading model agencies .

  14. 产业团体和服务经纪公司都可以发布全面的联机XML服务白皮书和黄皮书,允许开发人员迅速做出技术评估和比较。

    Industry groups and service brokers could publish comprehensive white pages and yellow pages of on-line XML services , allowing developers to make quick technological assessments and comparisons .

  15. 模特儿经纪公司竞相争夺混血美女,欧亚混血儿俨然成为音乐频道MTV及ChannelV的宠儿。

    Modeling agencies are scrambling for women with mixed blood , while Eurasians are becoming the darlings of music stations MTV and Channel V.

  16. 实际上,纽约经纪公司MFGlobal之所以破产,就是因为过于信任欧洲国家的主权债券。

    Indeed MF Global , the New York-based brokerage house , has already gone under because it placed too much faith in European sovereign bonds .

  17. 由于担心利润下滑,奥斯汀票务经纪公司TicketCity的创始人兰迪•科恩2008年一度进行了裁员,并削减了经理人员薪资。

    Worried that profits were declining , Randy Cohen , founder of ticket city , an Austin-based ticket broker , laid off workers and cut managers ' pay in 2008 .

  18. 其最知名的业务是商用电脑、印刷系统及其他电子产品的制造,该公司也拥有一家本土经纪公司,名为方正证券有限责任公司(FounderSecuritiesCo.)。

    It is best known for its businesses making computers , printing systems and other electronics , but also owns a local brokerage , Founder Securities .

  19. 最后在第四部分对HX期货经纪公司风险控制方案实施效果进行了总结。

    The forth part summarizes the implementation of the risk-controlling plan .

  20. 第三部分是HX期货经纪公司的风险控制方案设计;

    The third part designs corresponding risk-controlling plan of HX Company .

  21. 法国全国模特经纪公司联盟(TheNationalUnionofModelingAgencies)发表声明称,该联盟遵照一项自愿性规定,不会雇佣存在厌食症问题的模特,该规定于2008年获得政府批准。

    The National Union of Modeling Agencies in France issued a statement saying it was complying with a voluntary charter that discourages the use of anorexic models and that was approved by the government in 2008 .

  22. 2008年Jay-Z与演唱会经纪公司LiveNation联合成立RocNation时,他进账1.5亿美元,其中包括一份每张专辑1000万美元的合同。

    When he set up Roc Nation with the concert promoter Live Nation in 2008 he got $ 150m , including a $ 10m-per-album deal for himself .

  23. 史坦伯格在五月末离开了老东家IMG经纪公司。

    Steinberg left img at the end of May .

  24. 房地产经纪公司莱坊(KnightFrank)的数据显示,香港最昂贵住宅的价格已超过崩盘之前的高位。

    Prices of the most expensive homes are now above their pre-crash highs in Hong Kong , according to data from estate agent Knight Frank .

  25. 在帕尔玛,另一家大型经纪公司CamperNicholsonsInternational的乔纳森赛雷特(JonathanSyrett)表示同意。

    In Palma , Jonathan Syrett of Camper Nicholsons International , another big broker , agrees .

  26. 莎拉波娃的经纪公司没有立即回复CNN关于她将获得什么证书(如果有的话)的询问。

    Sharapova 's representatives did not immediately respond to CNN 's request to clarify what qualifications , if any , she will gain .

  27. 为了帮助电影公司的市场宣传人员领先于消费者,联合人才经纪公司(UnitedTalentAgency)与娱乐数据公司Rentrak联合推出一种名为PreAct的服务。

    To help studio marketers get back ahead of their customers , United Talent Agency and Rentrak , an entertainment data company , are introducing a service called PreAct .

  28. 每年,为数众多的顶级MBA学生和取得执业资格的律师都试图从某家大型经纪公司的邮件收发室起步,打进娱乐圈。

    Each year dozens of top MBA students and qualified lawyers try to break into the entertainment industry by starting in the mailroom at one of the big agencies .

  29. 舍尔目前正和不少明星以及来自IMG和ICM人才经纪公司的咨询师合作,开发品牌应用。

    She is working with numerous celebrities and advisors from talent agencies IMG and ICM to develop branded apps .

  30. 据经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)统计,香港目前65%的私人住宅市场控制在三家房地产公司手中。

    Currently , just three companies control 65 % of the private residential market , according to brokerage CLSA .