
  1. 经理费了好大的劲才克制了自己的情绪。

    The manager mastered himself only by a great effort .

  2. 雄鹿主场布拉德利中心球馆附近BratHouse饭店的总经理詹妮弗-费林说,她在8年的经营中从未见过这么多穿雄鹿队服的顾客。

    At the Milwaukee Brat House near the team 's current Bradley Center home , the manager Jennifer Fellin said she saw more patrons wearing Bucks gear now than at any other point in her eight-year stint at the restaurant .

  3. 迄今为止,劳埃德保险社已在斯坦福和经理们的法律费、刑事与民事案件中支付超过1千5百万美元。

    So far , Lloyd 's has paid more than $ 15 million in legal fees to Stanford and the executives in their criminal and civil cases .