
  • 网络Jump down;A Long Way Down
  1. 车还没停稳你就往下跳,真是胡来。

    You were very foolhardy to jump off the bus while it was still moving .

  2. 所有迹象都显示,Facebook已经准备往下跳,站在其他许多相信承受不起不进来的后果的媒体和互联网公司旁边。

    Facebook shows every sign of being ready to take the plunge - putting it alongside many other media and internet companies that believe they can 't afford to stay out .

  3. 可以从桥上往下跳,或者越窗而出

    You jump off a bridge . Leap out a window .

  4. 他们挑激我从那个高跳水台上往下跳。

    They dared me to jump from the high diving board .

  5. 你不用再从飞机上往下跳了。

    You don 't have to jump out of airplanes .

  6. 你为什么站在跳板上不往下跳?

    Why didn 't you dive off the high board ?

  7. 有天我看到个胖子往下跳。

    I saw a fat guy drop the other day .

  8. 你会为了证明自己信任他们而往下跳吗?

    Will you demonstrate your trust for them by jumping ?

  9. 他从汽车往下跳时手臂受了伤。

    He injured his arm as he jumped clear of the car .

  10. 你们知道有人从飞机上往下跳吗?

    Did you know there are people who jump out of airplanes ?

  11. 我将大步跳向未来。接着就往下跳。

    Now I shall take a leap into the future @ and jumped .

  12. 你敢从飞机上往下跳吗?

    Would you dare jump out of an aeroplane ?

  13. 她要从大厅扶栏往下跳。

    She 's gonna jump off the lobby balcony .

  14. 你不敢往下跳,你不是男子汉!

    You daren 't jump down , you sissy !

  15. 吉姆不敢从跳板上往下跳。

    Jim didn 't have the nerve to jump off the high diving board .

  16. 你有没有看到那些被迫往下跳的人?

    Did you see those forced to jump ?

  17. 没可能的,没有降落伞我可不从高处往下跳。

    No way , I 'm not jumping from high places without a parachute .

  18. 陈西林是男人你就往下跳

    Chen xilin : men should jump down

  19. 明明知道是万丈深渊,我还是笑着看你往下跳。

    Clearly know is the abyss , I still smiling to see you jump down .

  20. 一秒钟之后那3个男人使劲把要往下跳的巴克拽了回来。

    A second later the three men were holding Buck back as he tried to jump .

  21. 如今他说,原来最可怕的不是往下跳,

    Now he says , it turns out the most terrifying part was not the leap ;

  22. 然而,当有人在你身后不耐烦地排队观看时,就很难往下跳了。

    Yet it 's hard to jump when you 've got an audience queuing impatiently behind you .

  23. “我能解释一下为何我想从塔楼顶端往下跳吗?”

    " Can I explain why I wanted to jump off the top of a tower block ?"

  24. 叫男孩子们不要沿楼梯往下跳,哪天会伤着的。

    Try to stop the boys from jumping down the stairs , one day they 'll get hurt .

  25. 便从高塔往下跳,跳到矮树丛里。链子便从矮树丛中松开了。

    He jumps from the tower into the bushes below . The leash came loose from the bushes .

  26. 据报道说,在城市商业区内有一名男子扬言要从一座大楼的20层往下跳。

    It is reported that a man is threatening to jump from the 20th floor of a downtown building .

  27. 来,来,把手给我,你不想往下跳。

    Come on ! Come on , give me your hand . You don 't want to do this .

  28. 如果我们正处在金融危机期间,为什么没有企业主管们从办公楼上往下跳呢?

    If we 're in the midst of a financial collapse , why aren 't executives jumping out of office buildings ?

  29. 现在还出现了一种超级勇敢--这种勇敢能让一个相对理智的人从24英里的高空往下跳。

    Now there 's supersized bravery -- the kind that leads a relatively sane person to jump from 24 miles up .

  30. 你知道你站在高处突然往下跳的感觉吗?

    You know the feeling that you get , when you stand on a high place , suddenly has to a jump ?