
  • 网络old times;those were the days;The Way We Were
  1. 那些日子啊,是的,往日时光。

    Those were the days , oh yes , those were the days .

  2. 现在,一如以往,精灵最终仍取得了胜利,但却不复往日时光。

    Here , too , the elves ultimately proved victorious , but they would not remain so .

  3. 沿着那条名符其实的教堂之路,我从村庄中心走到了圣尼古拉斯教堂,仿佛步入了往日的时光。简·奥斯汀的父亲曾是这座教堂的牧师。

    My walk down the aptly named Church Walk from the village center to the Church of St. Nicholas , where Jane 's father served as rector , felt like stepping back in time .

  4. 我们立刻被人带到了他的图书馆,他坐在一张大扶手椅里,壁炉里的炭火噼噼啪啪地烧得正旺,他说他在想着往日的时光。

    We were shown at once to his library where we found him seated in a big armchair by an open fire which glowed and crackled on the hearth , thinking , he said , of other days .

  5. 他想到往日的快乐时光。

    He was thinking of his old happy days .

  6. 比尔跟与我握了握手,然后我俩坐下来聊起往日的好时光。

    Bill slipped me five and we sat down to discuss old time .

  7. 让我们喝杯啤酒,回忆往日的好时光。

    Let 's have a glass of beer to bring back the good old days .

  8. 由于许多相关贷款投向了回报率很低的公共工程项目,很多人担心往日的惨淡时光会重现。

    With many of the resulting loans directed to low return public works projects , many feared a return to darker times .

  9. 如果游客的要求不那么高,对当地的食物和简易的生活设施感到满足,就能给你带来往日的美好时光。

    Life is simple and reminiscent of the good old days when tourists were less demanding and happy with local food and simple amenities .

  10. 这轻轻的响声,把孩子们带回往日那美好的时光。

    And that one small noise brought back the old days to the children 's minds more than anything that had happened yet .