
  1. 她的最后一掷距世界纪录只差三厘米。

    Her last throw was only three centimetres short of the world record .

  2. 设计师Burton所采用的一些蕾丝花边只有五便士的大小,这样的蕾丝图案每分钟只能缝纫两到三厘米。

    Burton sourced a series of lace motifs some as small as a five pence piece , which had to be applied with minute stitches every two to three millimetres .

  3. 三厘米波段波导型六端口电路的一种最佳设计

    An Optimum Design of Waveguide Six-port Circuit at 3 cm Wave Band

  4. 据估计,可以测出三厘米大小的病灶。

    It is estimated that lesions 3 cm in size can be detected .

  5. 文中给出了设计公式和在三厘米波段的数值计算实例。

    The design formulae and numerical results at 3 cm wave band are given .

  6. 在三厘米波段对实验样品的测试结果与理论结果相符。

    An X-band directional coupler is designed and tested , and the experimental result agrees well with theoretical curve .

  7. 最后通过对三厘米波段吸收式空腔波长计的测量,验证了上述计算公式的正确性。

    The above results are verified by the measurement of a cavity wavemeter of the absorption type working on 3-cm wavelength .

  8. 或者,你也可以切掉整株生菜,地面上留两到三厘米根茎,生菜也能继续生长。

    Or , you can cut off the whole plant . Leave about two or three centimeters above the ground so the plant will re-grow .

  9. 约三厘米长的胸针一下子全扎入了李武的手臂,霎时间,鲜血顺着肘部滴淌下来。

    About three centimeters long brooch once the whole bundle into the Wu-arm , All of a sudden drop of blood along the elbow Tangxia come .

  10. 突然,雪撬移动了一厘米,……两厘米……三厘米……渐渐地,雪撬开始沿着雪地移动了。

    Suddenly , the sledge moved a centimetre ... two ... three ... and , little by little , it started to go forward across the snow .

  11. 每一个瓶子都可以往十五个架子中的任何一个上面搁。虽然看不见,每个架子却都是一条传送带,以每小时三十三点三厘米的速度运动着。

    Each bottle could be placed on one of fifteen racks , each rack , though you couldn 't see it , was a conveyor traveling at the rate of thirty-three and a third centimetres an hour .

  12. 实验中用的是新的黑色皮鞋:一种是平底鞋(平底鞋),第二种是5厘米的鞋跟(中跟鞋),第三种是9厘米的鞋跟(高跟鞋)。

    New , black leather shoes were used : one with flat heels ( flat heels condition ), a second with 5-cm heels ( medium heels condition ) and a third with 9-cm heels ( high heels condition ) .