
  • 网络three women;Three Lives
  1. 还好也不是我挨着的那三个女人。

    Not the three women that I sat with , thankfully .

  2. 三个女人在意外事故中遇难并且一起去升天。当他们到天堂的时候,圣。

    Three women die together in an accident and go to heaven .

  3. 他在别墅中养了三个女人。

    He is keeping three women in the guest cottage .

  4. 这三个女人都是作为服务生为他工作。

    All three women have worked for him as hostesses .

  5. 赵式芝是他和三个女人所生的孩子之一,也是最年长的一个。

    Gigi is the oldest of his three children with three mothers .

  6. “嗯,我想一星期约会三个女人。”

    " Well , I wanna date three women a week . "

  7. 在书中沙漠山海,三个女人真的让我感动。

    In the book Desert mountain Sea , three women really moved me .

  8. 三个女人一只鹅,市场里面闹哄哄。

    Three women and a goose make a market .

  9. 三个女人开始夸耀自己的儿子。

    Three women started boasting about their sons .

  10. 三个女人穿著的像酒神的女祭司,戴奥尼索斯的女性崇拜者围绕著神像。

    Three women dressed as maenads , female worshippers of Dionysus surround the idol .

  11. 男人一生中的三个女人。

    Three women in one man 's life .

  12. “这个可怜家伙需要彻彻底底的刺激。”第三个女人说。

    ' What the poor boy really wants is thoroughly rousing , 'said a third .

  13. 我认为对一个真正的男人然而言:他该有三个女人。

    In my opinion , I deem that a real man shall own three women .

  14. 一连串的事件使这三个女人走到了一起而最终又显示出彼此的和谐融洽。

    Events conspire to bring all three women together and what a show it becomes .

  15. 三个女人的队伍,如果你喜欢的话。

    Three-woman team , if you prefer .

  16. 找出三个女人之间的联系。

    How these three women are connected .

  17. 俗话说“三个女人能顶半边天”。

    There is a saying that is " Three women could become half an sky " .

  18. 第二章为文献综述,主要分析国内外对《三个女人》的研究现状。

    Chapter Two summarizes a literature review of the researches at home and abroad on Three Lives .

  19. 确认这三个女人了解后,他们进入了天堂.但是天堂里到处都是鸭子。

    So they enter heaven , and sure enough , there are ducks all over the place .

  20. 女朋友(三个女人),为小号,弦乐四重奏和钢琴而作的电影音乐。

    The Girl Friends ( Three Women ), film score for trumpet , string quartet & piano .

  21. 论坛上另外一名悉尼的成员也讲了个相似的故事,不过这一次的主人公换成了三个女人,而死者也从被插剪刀换成了用绳索勒死。

    Another forum member in Sydney reported hearing an identical story , except with three women and strangulation rather than scissors .

  22. 从功能文体学的角度分析《三个女人》,这是对斯泰因研究的补充,拓宽了斯泰因研究范围上的视野。

    It is a supplement of the research to Stein and broadens the research visions to Stein to analyze Three Lives from the perspective of Functional Stylistics .

  23. 三个女人互相同情,她们一致同意,如果机会降临到她们头上,她们要团结起来,争取一起去好运泉。

    Pitying each other , the three women agreed that , should the chance befall them , they would unite and try to reach the Fountain together .

  24. 第三个女人拿了钱投入股市,又赚了5000块,她把5000块还给男人,用赚来的5000块继续投资。

    The third one takes the $ 5000 and invests it in the stock market , doubles her investment , returns the $ 5000 and reinvests the rest .

  25. 这三个女人从灵魂、精神、肉体三个方面形成了坚固的支架,支撑起保罗追求所谓完美人性,成长为真正男人的历程。

    These three women constitute a firm support from spirit and body , support Paul to pursue his so & called perfect humanity , to become a real man .

  26. 本论文共分七章:第一章为导言,主要包括四个方面的内容:斯泰因作品《三个女人》的研究背景,本论文的研究目的和意义,研究方法以及论文大纲。

    Chapter One gives a brief introduction , which falls into four major aspects : research background , research aim and significance , research methods and the general outline .

  27. 通过语言结构的分析,揭示三个女人与小说中其他人物之间的矛盾关系,分析她们是如何走向殇情命运的。

    The analysis of the language structure can not only reveal the conflicts between the three protagonists and other characters , but expose how they step into their tragic fates .

  28. 由于她年幼温顺,而且小小年纪便失去了母亲,因此立刻就得到了这三个女人的宠爱。露茜对于这样漂泊无定、帐幕之下为家的新生活也逐渐习惯起来。

    Having rallied , with the elasticity of childhood , from the shock caused by her mother 's death , she soon became a pet with the women , and reconciled herself to this new life in her moving canvas-covered home .

  29. 倘若弄清了这三个女人在小说的创作意图、主题及情节结构中的作用,便可看出作者选用她们为书名的深义。

    Only by clarifying the creating intention of the three women in the novel and their roles for the theme and the plot , can we make ourselves be aware of the real meaning of names of the characters the writer uses in the book .

  30. 为他下葬时人们怎么也想不出办法把他同时和三个女人并排埋在一起。生前这三个女人他都爱,而艾默大叔却只有一个,没法平均分给三个女人,只好把他埋在那一排坟的最后。

    When they came to bury him , they could not fix it so he could lie next to all his three women . He had liked them all equally well . But there was not enough of Uncle Amos to go round . So they put him on the end of the row .