
  • 网络The River;mystic river;Mystlc Rlver
  1. 与《神秘河》相似,这是一部关于罪恶、悔恨和复仇的影片。由于他的出色表演,他在威尼斯电影节上被授予最佳男主角奖。

    Like " Mystic River " it 's about guilt , regret and revenge , For his performance he was awarded Best Actor at the Venice Film Festival .

  2. 我杀了他,并且把他扔进了神秘河。

    I killed him , and I threw him in the mystic .

  3. 记忆随着光线的涌动,漫溯至最原始的神秘之河,在灵动空间的每一个角落,自由伸展。

    The memory can date to the most original mysterious river with the emerging lines , and spread freely in every corner of the space .