
  • 网络neurorestorative procedure;NeuralProsthesis;neuroprosthetics
  1. 故神经修复术应力争早期进行。

    This suggests that nerve repair should be performed early .

  2. 结论晚期神经修复术仍以神经吻合术效果最佳,神经植入及肌蒂植入效果无明显差异;

    Conclusion Nerve suture was superior to nerve implantation and nerve muscle pedicle technique .

  3. 喉神经修复术式选择应根据病程、神经损伤程度、类型而定。

    Selection of the laryngeal reinnervation protocols should depend on the course , severity , type of nerve injury .

  4. 目的探讨感觉再训练及口服弥可保片剂对周围神经修复术后患者感觉功能恢复的促进作用。

    Objective To explore the effect of sensory reeducation and methycobal on sensory restoration after repair of peripheral nerve .

  5. 喉返神经修复重建术的围手术期护理

    Perioperative Nursing Care of Recurrent Laryngeal Never Reconstruction

  6. 综合康复治疗对腕部神经肌腱修复术后功能的影响

    Effect of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Therapy on Hand Function after Nerve and Tendon Repair in Wrist

  7. 1例行指神经修复,术后3个月恢复保护性感觉。

    In one patient for whom two digital nerves were repaired , the protective sensation had recovered 3 months postoperatively .

  8. 结论在腕部神经肌腱修复术后,给予系统的综合康复治疗,可促进神经再生和肌腱愈合,恢复手功能有显著的疗效。

    ConclusionComprehensive rehabilitation therapy is effective significantly in the improvement of hand function after nerve and tendon repaired in wrist .

  9. 用肌桥和神经移植修复尺神经术后早期电生理的比较

    A Comparison of the Early Electrophysiological Changes between Muscle Bridging and Nerve Grafting for the Repair of the Ulnar Nerve

  10. 6例曾在其它医院误将肿瘤与神经干一同切除,行神经修复术。

    In the remaining 6 cases , the tumor was removed mistakenly together with the nerve trunk in other hospital , so nerve repair was done .

  11. 1例术中误将尺神经浅支与肿瘤一同切除,行神经修复术,术后诊断为神经鞘瘤。

    In another case , the tumor as well as the superficial branch of the ulnar nerve was excised and the nerve defect was repaired . The postoperative diagnosis was schwannoma .

  12. 方法共收集急诊腕部正中神经或尺神经切割离断伤患者92例,经神经修复术后将其随机分为4组,联合组给予感觉再训练及口服弥可保(甲基维生素B12)片剂治疗;

    Methods Ninety-two patients with median or ulnar nerve injuries in the wrist were divided randomly into 4 groups . Combined treatment group were treated with sensory reeducation and oral intake of methycobal ;

  13. 结论:犬环杓后肌失神经后4个月内保持高增殖水平,以后均降低,故神经修复术应力争早期进行。

    Conclusion : The proliferation of dog posterior cricoarytenoid muscle cell remained at high level 4 months after denervation and then slowed down . This suggests that nerve repair should be performed early .