
piǎo xǐ
  • potch;poaching;rinse;wash
漂洗 [piǎo xǐ]
  • (1) [rinse]∶用水冲洗

  • 漂洗衣裳

  • (2) [wash]∶通过化学工序漂白(地毯或毛毯)

漂洗[piǎo xǐ]
  1. 漂洗和氧化剂对罗非鱼鱼糜凝胶性能的影响

    Effect of Potch and Oxidant on Gelling Property of Minced Tilapia Fish

  2. 比较了漂洗和氧化剂(双氧水、次氯酸钠)对罗非鱼鱼糜的凝胶强度、白度及保水性的影响。

    Effects of potch and oxidant ( hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite ) on gelling strength , whiteness , and water holding capacity of minced Tilapia fish were compared .

  3. 在最后一遍漂洗时加入织物柔顺剂。

    Fabric conditioner is added during the final rinse .

  4. 宋国有个人善于制造让手免于破裂的药物,他祖祖辈辈都以漂洗棉絮为生。

    A person in the state of Song was good at making a medicine that can prevent skin chaps . It was his family tradition to bleach cotton to make a living .

  5. 虽然是同一种技艺,但有的人用来博得了封赏,有的人却仍然以漂洗棉絮为业,这是因为技艺的使用方法不同啊!

    for his exploits . Having the same feat , someone used it to get an award while someone continued to bleach cotton . It was all because how the feat was used .

  6. 经过漂洗或珍珠自然色的体色是白色的珍珠和珍珠产品,以W表示。

    W represents pearls or pearl product with white color after bleaching or white natural body color .

  7. 实验结果表明:漂洗废水的pH值、Ni2+浓度、硬度都会影响阳树脂的工作交换容量;

    It is showed that pH value , Ni2 + concentration and hardness would affect the exchange capacity of cation resin ;

  8. 研究了漂洗液种类、漂洗方式、漂洗液pH值及漂洗时间对鱼肉猪肉复合制品凝胶强度、色泽的影响。

    Effects of washing solution varieties , pH and washing mode , washing time on gel strength and color of fish and pork composite gel product were studied .

  9. 本试验采用三种漂洗方法,即清水漂洗、盐水漂洗和碱水漂洗,研究不同漂洗条件对鲢鱼pH值、保水性和蛋白质含量的影响。

    Effect of distilled water , salt water and alkaline water on pH value , water holding capacity ( WHC ) and protein extration of silver carp were evaluated .

  10. 研究表明,铝离子在不同pH值活化液中的含量及存在形态是影响活性白土漂洗工艺的主要因素。

    It is shown that the content and occurrence ways of Al ion in activation solution with different pH value are critical factors , which influence on rinse of activated clay .

  11. 离子交换法处理镀镍漂洗废水的实验结果表明:采取适宜的预处理方法有助于提高新鲜树脂中H型阳树脂和OH型阴树脂的比例,从而保证回用水水质;

    The experimental results of rinse wastewater treatment with ion exchange showed that : It was necessary to find proper method of ion exchange resin pretreatment to ensure the quality of recycling water .

  12. 本文研究了漂洗次数,漂洗液pH值,不同漂洗溶液和漂洗工艺等漂洗条件对鲢蛋白质冷冻变性的影响。

    The effect of number of washing operation , pH and kind of washing solution , and washing technique on freezing denaturation of protein in silver carp surimi was studied in this paper .

  13. 从而提出了用漂洗法提取~(90)Sr和除去杂质元素的一种新方法。

    Thus , We suggest a new method which can be used to separate ~ ( 90 ) Sr and to remove impurity Cs , Ba from loaded absorption column .

  14. 对初始COD浓度分别为56mg/L和109mg/L的镀镍漂洗废水,单独O3、O3/H2O2氧化工艺都有较高的去除效率,O3/H2O2氧化工艺处理效果最佳。

    The ozone oxidization and O3 / H2O2 oxidization process could get high COD removal efficiency for nickel plating rinse wastewater of different COD , and O3 / H2O2 oxidization process was the best .

  15. 其次,研究基于锁存霍尔的永磁体转子位置估算方法、SVPWM调制技术以及由于漂洗高转速所需要的弱磁扩速技术,并讨论以上技术的实现方案。

    Secondly , the permanent magnet rotor position estimation method based on discrete-type halls , SVPWM modulation technique and field weakening for high speed are researched . And their realizations are discussed .

  16. 以蛋白漂洗法提取大鼠右侧大脑皮层的脑微血管,Lowry法测定蛋白含量。

    The brain microvessel of the right cortex was isolated by protein floated . The protein contents were measured by Lowry 's method .

  17. 扫描后处死裸鼠,取肿瘤标本,漂洗、固定、石蜡连续切片,应用免疫组织化学方法从蛋白质水平观察膜相关抗原HAb18G在该模型上的表达。

    After all imaging studies , the tumor specimens were taken out for immunohistochemical staining to observe the expression of HAb18G at protein level .

  18. 本文将磷化废液先与酸洗废液混合,生成磷酸亚铁Fe3(PO4)2沉淀,将沉淀分离后余下的废液再与漂洗废水合并后,用石灰乳处理排放。

    The spent phosphating solution is first mixed with pickling waste solution to form ferrous phosphate Fe_3 ( PO_4 ) _2 precipitate . After seperation , the liquid is combine with rinse waste water . and treated with some lime milk before discharge .

  19. 这就是您所熟知的一个永不终止的漂洗-和-重复(rinse-and-repeat)的循环过程。

    It 's a never-ending rinse-and-repeat cycle that you know all too well .

  20. 菌根的制片技术,常用Phillips和Hayman的方法,笔者省去酸化步骤,菌根在染色前,用蒸馏水(或清水)漂洗后直接染色,能获得满意效果。

    The authors directly stain the mycorhiza washed with distilled water without the acidizing step that is often used in Phillips and Hayman 's microtechnique method , and get the satisfactory results .

  21. 曝气生物滤池的反冲洗首先应着眼于解决滤床的局部孔隙率过低问题,然后以气洗促进颗粒碰撞,气水联合提高剪切力,最后水漂洗排出TSS和气泡。

    The gas washing could promote the collision of granular media , and then to enhance the shearing force by gas and water washing , finally rinsed with water to discharge TSS and gas .

  22. 交联处理时发现只有当类人胶原蛋白与壳聚糖的总浓度为PEO浓度的4倍以上时,漂洗过程中薄膜结构不会瓦解。

    In the process of cross-linking it was found that only when the total concentration of HLC and chitosan reached 4 folders of PEO , the meshes would not dissolve and break into slices in water .

  23. 玛利那拉披萨(Marinara):将面团刷上少许番茄酱,然后撒上漂洗干的干酸豆、对半切去核的黑橄榄,还有剁碎的?鱼。

    Marinara : Brush dough lightly with tomato sauce , then sprinkle with rinsed and dried capers , halved and pitted black olives , and chopped anchovies .

  24. β-半乳糖苷酶组化检测及阳性细胞的半定量分析:成纤维细胞每5n代龄(共13代)作细胞爬片,漂洗,加入SA-β-gal染色液,37℃孵育48h。

    Histochemical examination of β - galactosidase and semi-quantitative analysis of positive cells : Fibroblasts were used for slide attaching by every 5n generation age , rinsed and stained with SA - β - gal at 37 ℃ for 48 hours .

  25. 当放置2h时,表面漂洗法对6种农药的提取效率可达到80%以上,但是当放置时间延长到4~5h以后,对6种农药的提取效率急剧下降,一般在20%~40%之间。

    When placed 2 hours only the extraction efficiency of 6 kinds of pesticides by simple rinse was more than 80 percent but when the placed time was prolonged to more than 4 hours the extraction efficiency declined rapidly to below 40 percent for most pesticides .

  26. 利用新方法,可使湿法生产活性白土的漂洗次数比传统方法的漂洗次数减少1~2次,每次漂洗时间从4-6h缩短到0.5h,大大提高漂洗工效,从而提高了活性白土生产效率和产品质量。

    Using this method , rinse number is less 1 ~ 2 times than that of traditional method , rinse time is decreased from 4 ~ 6 hours to 0.5 hour . Thus , rinse efficiency is improved .

  27. 叙述了钽铌精矿经酸分解、矿浆萃取、过滤后的残渣采用搅洗、漂洗、摇选的方法成功地回收富集钽铌渣中的Ta2O5,Nb2O5。

    Ta 2O 5 and Nb 2O 5 were recovered from the Ta / Nb slag by agitator washing , rinsing and tossing after acid decomposition of Ta / Nb concentrate , slurry extraction , filtering slag .

  28. 结果表明,经漂洗后的带鱼香肠,颜色和气味比不漂洗的好,其最佳漂洗条件为:用3~7℃水漂洗8min,静置5min,重复3次;

    Results showed the rinsed ribbonfish sausage had better color and odour , the best rinsing condition was 8 minutes ' rinsing in water of 3-7 ℃, then put in the water 5 minutes , which should be repeated three times .

  29. 漂洗水温对淡水鱼鱼糜蛋白质热变性的影响

    Effect of rinsing temperature on thermostability of freshwater fish surimi protein

  30. 家蚕精液漂洗技术及人工授精研究

    Studies on rinsed techniques of semen and insemination of Bombyx mori