
  • 网络Pretty lady;beautiful lady
  1. 嗨,你不在意我与这位漂亮女士一起跳舞?

    Hey , you mind if I dance with the beautiful lady ?

  2. 走在我身边的这位漂亮女士。

    This beautiful lady that 's walking around with me .

  3. 这两个漂亮女士中哪个是你妈妈?

    Which one of these two pretty ladies is your mom ?

  4. 要不是为了那位漂亮女士的话。

    If it wasn 't for your pretty lady friend .

  5. 漂亮女士:在你穿过道路之前,你应该看。

    Ms Smart : You should look before you cross the road .

  6. 拜访骑白马的漂亮女士。

    To see a fine lady upon a white horse .

  7. 把你的枪交给黑色轿车里的漂亮女士。

    Stop and give your gun to that pretty lady in the black sedan .

  8. 但是,塔哲,有位漂亮女士正在外面等你。

    But , taji , there 's a beautiful young lady waiting for you outside .

  9. 漂亮女士:你好,潘恩。汤姆,向潘思问好,谢谢。

    Ms Smart : Hi , Pam . Tom , say hello to Pam , please .

  10. 站在我面前的漂亮女士把我的话向站在她左边的男士重复了一遍。

    The beautiful young lady in front of me repeated my words to the man who stood at her left .

  11. 我想去看《马克白斯》。拜访骑白马的漂亮女士。

    I 'd like to go and see " Macbeth " . to see a fine lady upon a white horse .

  12. 故事是说某位“甜蜜老爸”爱上了一位在餐厅工作的漂亮女士,并向她求了婚。

    It seems that a certain " sugar daddy " fell in love with a gorgeous woman who worked at a restaurant and proposed to her .

  13. 现年41岁的林爱珠(音译)是一位穿着时髦的漂亮女士,也是普拉托咖啡馆的老板。她用流利的意大利语自我介绍说她叫“琳达”。

    Lin Aizhu , 41 , is the pretty and stylishly-dressed owner of Prato Caf é and introduces herself in fluent Italian as " Linda . "

  14. 像娱乐性讽刺一样,报道的情节和角色提供了很好的使人深思的材料。故事是说某位“甜蜜老爸”爱上了一位在餐厅工作的漂亮女士,并向她求了婚。

    Like an entertaining satire , the plot and characters of that report offer useful material for contemplation.It seems that a certain " sugar daddy " fell in love with a gorgeous woman who worked at a restaurant and proposed to her .

  15. 莎莉是个温文尔雅又很漂亮的女士。

    Sally is a woman of great refinement and beauty .

  16. 打搅了,我可以跟这位漂亮的女士说话吗?

    Excuse me , could I speak to this beautiful lady ?

  17. 你看见那边那两位漂亮的女士了吗?

    You see those two fine ladies over there ? Subtle .

  18. 没想到这位漂亮的女士竟然没胃口。

    Never knew a pretty lady that didn 't have an appetite .

  19. 一个漂亮的女士朝我微笑,握着我的手!

    A beautiful lady smiled at me and shook my hand ! '

  20. 哦,那对一位漂亮的女士来说是件好事。

    Well , that 's a fine thing for a beautiful lady .

  21. 这位漂亮的女士戴的是什么?

    And what is in this pretty lady 's head ?

  22. 很高兴认识你这么漂亮的女士。

    Glad to meet so pretty a lady like you .

  23. 这位漂亮的女士也是你的妻子么?

    Does the beautiful sorceress belong to your harem too ?

  24. 他碰巧和一位年轻漂亮的女士坐在一起。

    He happened to be sitting with a young and beautiful lady .

  25. 所有漂亮的女士都穿着最漂亮的连衫裙。

    All the pretty women wore their smartest dresses .

  26. 他看到那位穿着漂亮的女士时,简直是目瞪口呆。

    He was all eyes at the sight of the beautifully dressed lady .

  27. 一个很漂亮的女士今天晚上给我的,我的兄弟。

    A very beautiful lady gave that to me tonight , my brother .

  28. 你们好嗨这两位漂亮的女士

    Hello , right over there.Hi.So , what about these two beautiful ladies .

  29. 这位漂亮的女士干嘛不帮助我们收集碎片呢?

    Why don 't you pretty ladies go on and collect chips for us ?

  30. 我第一次见到这么多漂亮的女士

    I 've never seen so many beautiful women