
  • 网络gable;Clark Gable;gabor;William Clark Gable;GABRIEL
  1. 中文:我是克拉克·盖博的影迷,我看过他演的所有影片。

    I am a Clark Gable nut : I have seen all his films .

  2. 我喜欢克拉克盖博在《乱世佳人》里将香烟放在唇上然后吸烟的样子。

    A : I love to see Clark Gable put the cigarette to his lips and suck in the smoke in gone with the wind .

  3. 在老格林威治的盖博大厦(OldGreenwichGables),共管公寓的一般价格从单卧室的50万美元(约合人民币307万元),至三卧室的90万美元(约合人民币553万元)不等,据约翰逊说。

    Condominiums at Old Greenwich Gables range from one-bedrooms , generally priced in the $ 500000s , to three-bedrooms in the $ 900000s , according to Mr. Johnson .

  4. 乔治和西娜茨还有盖博一同演出。

    George starred with sinatra , with gable .

  5. 文中还首次将基于盖博表达式的高斯波束展开用于方向图综合。

    Gabor representation is also introduced and used inthe pattern synthesis for the first time .

  6. 当时,我们身上所剩无几,全家人就挤在圣盖博市的一间两居室的公寓里。

    We lived in a two-bedroom apartment in San Gabriel and didn 't have any money .

  7. 盖博一生曾参演81部电影,59岁时因心脏病去世。

    After performing in 81 films , he died at the age of 59 from a heart attack .

  8. 女人们沉迷于他在银幕上塑造的不同男性形象,盖博-男中子骄子。

    Women swooned at his masculine screen presence and men , well Gable was a man 's man .

  9. 二战期间,盖博自动退出影坛,在陆军航空队服役。

    Gable voluntarily took a leave of absence from acting during WWII and served in the Army Air Corps .

  10. 该场景中,盖博所饰的角色一边倚着栅栏啃胡萝卜一边解释搭便车的规则。

    In it , Gables character leans against a fence and eats a carrot while explaining the rules of hitchhiking .

  11. 自从寻找斯佳丽这一行动胜利告终后,费雯丽就大出风头,让盖博黯然失色。

    From the moment the search for Scarlet had been triumphantly concluded , Gable had been overshadowed by Vivian Leigh .

  12. 2岁时,父亲再婚,平时,小盖博穿着得体,喜欢乐器,爱好修车。

    When he was two years old , his father remarried . Clark was a well-dressed child who enjoyed playing instruments and repairing cars .

  13. 盖博被誉为“好莱坞之王”,曾被美国电影学会提名为“百年百大明星”。

    Nicknamed " The King of Hollywood , " Gable is considered the seventh Greatest Male Star of All Time by the American Film Institute .

  14. 她不用刻意化妆,便可以美得惊世绝伦。她的美曾受到克拉克•盖博,塞西尔•比顿以及《时尚》杂志的称赞。

    Her beauty was astonishing , praised by Clark Gable , Cecil Beaton and Vogue , but liner or lipstick had nothing to do with it .

  15. 赵美心的从政生涯最早可追溯到20世纪70年代早期,那时她正上大一,是圣盖博谷的一名社会活动人士和政治领袖。

    Judy Chu can trace the beginnings of her career as a San Gabriel Valley activist and political leader back to the early1970s and her freshman year in college .

  16. 莫纳西大学妇产科教授兼澳大利亚性健康和计划生育顾问盖博?柯瓦科斯受托进行这项民意调查,他称调查结果令人担忧。

    The results were alarming , said gab kovacs , professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Monash University and consultant to sexual health and family planning australia , who commissioned the poll .

  17. 盖博曾凭《一夜风流》获奥斯卡最佳男主角,61年后,大导斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格买下盖博的奖杯并赠给了美国电影学会。

    The Best Actor in a Leading Role Oscar he won for It Happened One Night was purchased by Steven Spielberg sixty two years later and donated to the Motion Picture Academy .

  18. 由于拮据的经济条件,父亲决定举家搬迁,并亲手下田务农,搬家后,小盖博遭到周围邻居的冷遇,他也对此次搬家感到沮丧。

    Because of financial hardship , Gable 's father was forced to relocat and try his hand at farming . Gable was an outcast in the neighboring rural Ohio town and was unhappy with the move .

  19. 随后,盖博弄了个新发型,修了牙,把自己的大嗓门毛病改掉后,便开始向好莱坞进发。盖博打入好莱坞的首轮测试以失败告终,他便在剧组跑龙套,直到得到大家的肯定。

    After a new hair style , dental work and lessons to lower his high-pitched voice , Gable left for Hollywood . He flunked his first screen test but managed to get work as an extra until being discovered .

  20. 30年代期间,盖博的名声开始紧逼秀兰·邓波儿,在一系列电影中有着精彩的表现:《一夜风流》(1934年)《乱世佳人》(1939年)《叛舰喋血记》(1935年)《乱点鸳鸯谱》(1961年)。

    In the 1930s , his popularity was second only to Shirley Temple . He starred in such memorable movies as It Happened One Night ( 1934 ) , Gone with the Wind ( 1939 ) , Mutiny on the Bounty ( 1935 ) and The Misfits ( 1961 ) .

  21. 16岁时,盖博辍学,放弃帮助父亲,独身前往奥勒冈州波特兰市,一边当销售营生,一边学习表演。

    Despite pressure to work on the family farm , 16 year old Gable took a job at a tire factory after dropping out of school . Upon inheriting money from a distant relative at 21 , he moved to Portland , Oregon , working as a tie salesman and taking acting lessons .