
kuáng rén
  • madman;maniac;lunatic;kook;loony;maniac madman;swashbuckler;screwball;extremely conceited fellow
狂人 [kuáng rén]
  • (1) [lunatic;maniac madman]∶疯狂的人

  • 战争狂人

  • (2) [swashbuckler]∶狂妄自大的人

狂人[kuáng rén]
  1. 《狂人日记》多重意蕴阐释

    A Explain on the Multiple Meanings of The Diary of A madman

  2. 但追求战争的狂人应该统统给他们穿上紧身衣。

    But madman who sought war ought to be put in strait jackets .

  3. 过去的那位摇滚狂人已经改变形象,成了一位体面的爱家的男人。

    The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man .

  4. 燕麦麸在去年成为保健狂人的最爱。

    Oat bran became the darling of health freaks last year .

  5. 马修·威纳:《广告狂人》制作人

    Matthew Weiner : Mad Men creator

  6. 我自己就是一个实证一个改过自新并且恢复正常的曾经的速度狂人。

    And I present myself as Exhibit A , a kind of reformed and rehabilitated43 speed-aholic .

  7. “整形狂人”指的是总爱做整形手术的人,从头到脚都要做,而且从不满足。

    Surgiholic is a person who seeks plastic surgery , from head to toe , and is never satisfied .

  8. 这种人可称之为“摩托狂人”。那家伙就是个摩托狂人。他在我家附近孩子们玩耍和骑自行车的那条街上挂着一档骑摩托车,而且还玩翘头。

    The guy who won 't shift out of first and pops wheelies in my neighborhood on the same street where kids play and ride their bikes is a total motorpsycho .

  9. Sevinor医生把一些整形患者称为“整形狂人”,他们“从头到脚都要做整形,而且反复做来做去。不管他们已经做过多少次,都不够。”

    Some are patients Sevinor dubs1 " surgiholics , " who " start at the top , work their way down , and repeat everything . No matter how many procedures they have , it 's not enough . "

  10. 沉浸在《广告狂人》(MadMen)被下线的落寞中的观众们能否从16世纪的中国传说中找到慰藉呢?

    Can viewers suffering from ' Mad Men ' withdrawal seek solace in a 16th-century Chinese fable ?

  11. AMC频道的《广告狂人》(MadMen)也是如此。

    That was true , too , of " Mad Men " on AMC .

  12. 公司最近在上海开设了第一家店铺,它的正装男鞋【想想电视剧《广告狂人》(MadeMen)】售价在175美元至695美元之间。

    The company , whose dress shoes ( think mad men ) sell for $ 175 to $ 695 , opened its first store recently in Shanghai .

  13. 之后它得到了《广告狂人》(“MadMen”)这部剧本来先投给了HBO但是被拒了。

    Then it acquired " Mad Men " & a show that had been pitched to HBO and turned down .

  14. 他留着一个美剧《广告狂人》(MadMen)式的发型,穿着修身西装,看起来就像摩洛哥的赌场管理员。

    And not just because , with his mad men hair cut and sharp suits , he looks the part of a Monaco croupier .

  15. 因此,这笔交易或许只是《广告狂人》(MadMen)所引发波本威士忌热潮的一次性反应(主角唐•德雷柏在剧中常饮波本威士忌)。

    So perhaps this is just a one-off , reflective of a Bourbon bubble that began inflating when don Draper started to sip on mad men .

  16. 对于信息狂人,或者说任何曾经需要靠博客日志为生的人来说,RSS阅读器是无价之宝。

    For information junkies or anyone who has ever had to make a living blogging RSS readers are invaluable .

  17. 在系扣式服装(即《广告狂人》(MadMen)中的装束)多年占据主导地位后,男装开始转向休闲风格。

    After a number of years in which a buttoned-up aesthetic held sway - the Mad Men look - men 's tailoring has taken a more relaxed turn .

  18. 大多数人表示他们知道应该避免《广告狂人》(MadMen)第三季里那位被解雇的广告管理人士的暴怒情绪。

    Most people say they know to avoid the sort of bridge-burning tantrum thrown by the ad exec who was fired on the season premier of'Mad Men'this week .

  19. Reader是一个平台,帮助那些特定的信息狂人收集信息,同时和其他狂人分享信息。

    Reader was a space for a very specific type of information junkie to gather and share other bits of information with other junkies / nerds .

  20. 娱乐时间(Showtime)等付费有线电视频道、以及播放《广告狂人》(MadMen)的AMC等免费有线电视频道,也在追随HBO的脚步。

    Subscription channels including Showtime and free ones such as AMC , which broadcast Mad Men , followed its lead .

  21. 这位《广告狂人》(MadMen)时代的广告专家引起了我的好奇心:几十年后,当桑德伯格开始写回忆录的时候,会有多少女性会坐上了企业高管的宝座呢?

    The ad Maven from the mad men era got me wondering : how many women will we see at the top decades from now , when Sandberg delivers her memoirs ?

  22. 上世纪80年代,对于职场女性的处境来说,尤其是广告行业,和以60年代为背景的《广告狂人》(MadMen)相比没有太大变化。

    The world in the 1980s for working women , particularly in advertising , was not far evolved from what you see in Mad Men , which was set in the 1960s .

  23. 但对于韩剧迷来说,W代表着他们最天马行空的梦,最终极的爱情幻想,以及让他们变回刷剧狂人的那部剧。

    But for South Korean drama fans , W represents their wildest dreams , their ultimate love fantasy , and the trigger for their most recent * binge-watching * frenzy .

  24. 别了,《广告狂人》(MadMen)。别了,那些追踪每集情节(更重要的是,每集服装)的博客和粉丝网站。

    And so , farewell to " Mad Men . " Farewell to the blogs and fan sites that tracked the story line ( and more important , the outfits ) of each episode .

  25. 在我们急切地等待《广告狂人》回归的时候,我们至少知道最近在哪里能看到《广告狂人》的RichSommer了。

    While we await word of a return date for Mad Men , we at least know when we 'll next see Rich Sommer .

  26. 一些主要刊物(包括请了一名法学教授兼最高法院律师在网上引导对《广告狂人》(MadMen)的讨论的这本刊物)重述每一个情节,甚至也讨论收视率不佳的剧集。

    Major publications ( including this one , which has a law professor and Supreme Court advocate leading a ' Mad Men ' discussion online ) recap every plot development , even of ratings-challenged shows .

  27. 笨拙的人可以从温文尔雅、长得像《广告狂人》(MadMen)里乔恩·哈姆(JonHamm)的教练那里得到隐秘的实时的把妹及约会建议。

    and where the maladroit can receive stealthy , real-time pickup and dating advice from debonair coaches resembling the " Mad Men " star Jon Hamm .

  28. 《广告狂人》(MadMen)的创作者马修•韦纳(MatthewWeiner)在一堆DVD旁坐下,里面有他自己的热门电视剧中的好几季。

    Matthew Weiner , the Mad Men creator , took a seat by a stack of DVDs , which included multiple seasons of his own hit TV show .

  29. 假如你和我一样看“MadMen广告狂人”--

    Now , if you watch " Mad Men , " like I do --

  30. 这条大街曾因广告公司云集而出名,像极了美剧《广告狂人》(MadMen)里的场景。但如今,这里坐落着一批纽约市最奢华的零售商店。

    The street was once known for it 's advertising firms , much like the one depicted in the television drama " Mad Men " but today it 's home to some of the city 's most lux retailers .