
  1. 彝族先民对宇宙结构的最早认识,能是盖天说吗?

    What is the ancient Yis first cognition about the universe structure ?

  2. 盖天说是中国天文学史上特别重要的假说。

    The Gaitian theory is an important hypothesis in the history of astronomy in China .

  3. 盖天说盖天说是中国最古老的讨论天地结构的体系。早期的盖天说认为:天就像一个扣着的大锅覆盖着棋盘一样的大地。

    The oldest theory on cosmic structure , the early school of canopy-heavens claimed that the heaven , shaped like a big pan , covered the earth , shaped like a chessboard .

  4. 公元3到6世纪是中国天文学快速发展的时代。在这段时期内,涌现了许多讨论天地结构的学说,其中最重要的是盖天说、浑天说和宣夜说。

    The period between the 3rd and 6th centuries witnessed enormous develop-ment in China 's astronomy , with the rise of many theories on the cosmic structure.The most important of these were the theory of canopy-heavens , the theonrt of sphere heavens , and the theory of expounding appearance in the night sky . The Theory of Canopy-Heavens