
gài mào
  • Block a Shot;nut cap
盖帽[gài mào]
  1. 我厂始建于1986年,主要以生产葡萄酒用胶盖帽,塑料印刷商标,以及各种葡萄酒瓶配套用瓶盖为主。

    Our factory was founded in1986 , mainly produce glue nut cap , plastics printing trademark for wine , as well as all kinds of bottle cap of wine .

  2. 他结束了他的职业生涯,并成为NBA史上盖帽王十四。

    He finished his career as the fourteenth best shot-blocker in NBA history .

  3. 他每场抢12个篮板和盖帽3次的成绩也居nba各球队之首。

    His 12 rebounds and 3 blocked shots a game are among the NBA best .

  4. BP声称,昨日的“切割盖帽”计划已经取得重大进展。

    BP said it reached an " important " yesterday with the " cut and cap " plan we 've been telling you about .

  5. 至此,他在NBA的职业生涯一共得到9247分,920个盖帽和4494个篮板。

    He retired with NBA career totals of 9247 points , 920 blocked shots and 4494 rebounds .

  6. 尼龙锁紧母、金属锁紧母、K帽、六角螺母、盖帽形、蝶形帽及各式垫圈、挡圈、销类等。

    The mother of nylon lock , metal lock master , K cap , hex nut , cap-shaped , butterfly hats and all kinds of washers , retaining rings , pins and so on .

  7. 用盖帽探针和离子探针实验研究了颗粒状HMX、RDX的燃烧转爆轰(DDT)。

    The deflagration to detonation transition for granular HMX , RDX has been experimentally studied with capped pins and coaxial ionization pins .

  8. 在自制的涂敷型纤维素三(3,5二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯)手性固定相上直接拆分了μ3S盖帽的外消旋四面体金属簇合物。

    The direct chiral separation of (μ _3-S ) - bridged racemic metal clusters was performed on cellulose-tris ( 3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate ) chiral stationary phase ( CDMPC-CSP ) .

  9. 他在最后一场比赛中拿下了25分,16个篮板和6次盖帽,被评为决赛的最有价值运动员(MVP)。

    He finished with 25 points , 16 rebounds and six blocks in the final game and was named tournament MVP .

  10. 在他的NBA职业生涯当中,这位15届全明星总共出场1392场,在场均34分钟的上场时间里拿下19分、10.8个篮板、3个助攻以及2.17次盖帽。

    In his NBA career , the 15-time All-Star appeared in a total of 1392 games and averaged 19.0 points , 10.8 rebounds , 3.0 assists and 2.17 blocks in 34.0 minutes .

  11. 上赛季,他在每36分钟里能够得到28.7分,11.1个篮板和3.5次盖帽,这排在NBA历史新秀每分钟得分率第二位,仅次于张伯伦。

    Embiid averaged 28.7 points , 11.1 rebounds and 3.5 blocks per 36 minutes and finished with the second-highest per-minute scoring rate by a rookie in NBA history , behind only Wilt Chamberlain .

  12. μ3-S盖帽的外消旋金属簇合物的直接手性拆分

    Direct Chiral Separation of (μ _3-S ) - Bridged Racemic Metal Clusters

  13. 水体倒转的另一效应是将深海负13C的碳酸盐带到浅水区域,碳酸盐盖帽和上覆磷块岩的负δ13C值证实了这一点。

    Another result of overturn was the transport of δ 13C depleted carbonate to the shallow water area . The negative excursion of δ 13C in cap carbonates and the overlying phosphorites can confirm this opinion .

  14. 对黔南、浙西新元古代碳酸盐盖帽碳氧同位素研究表明,δ13C负异常是甲烷渗漏和海水翻腾共同作用的结果。

    The author 's study indicates that the negative excursions of carbon isotopic compositions of Neoproterozoic cap carbonates in southern Guizhou and western Zhejiang resulted from the combined action of destabilization of gas hydrate and overturning of sea water .

  15. 目前,字母哥已经是2阵成员,出色的盖帽手,潜在的MVP球员,一个没有精准跳投却仍让防守方闻风丧胆的现象级球员。更恐怖的是,下个赛季,他才23岁。

    Already a second-team All-NBA tornado , elite shot-blocker , pseudo-MVP candidate , and consistently improving phenomenon who 's accomplished all he has without a respectable outside shot , Antetokounmpo will be only 23 years old next season .

  16. 比尔-拉塞尔,不仅把盖帽发扬光大。

    Bill russell , the man who not only popularized it .

  17. 顺便说一句,6个盖帽也算防守的累赘?

    Btw , 6 blocks is an indication of defensive liability ?

  18. 阿:你恢复了这座城堡!赫克托,盖帽了!

    Isaac : You resurrected the castle , Hector . Bravo .

  19. 真的很想看易建联被林书豪盖帽。

    Really want to see Lin dunk on Yi Jianlian .

  20. 用电脑翻译成:检查经销商盖帽、电动子,和燃烧导线。

    Inspect distributor cap , rotor , and ignition wires .

  21. 目前的盖帽只能收集一半的漏油。

    The current cap is gathering only around half the gushing crude .

  22. 他的篮板,盖帽和助攻的比例创下职业生涯最高水平。

    His rebound , block and assist percentages are at career-high levels .

  23. 同时,也分析了帷幕盖帽的抗浮能力。

    The ability against flotation of the curtain cover is also analysed .

  24. 扬子地台新元古代碳酸盐盖帽碳、氧同位素研究

    Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Variations of Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonates in Yangtze Platform

  25. 你可以很轻松地盖帽吧,对吗?

    You can easily block others , can 't you ?

  26. 新元古代晚期盖帽碳酸盐岩的成因与雪球地球的终结机制

    Formation of Late Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonates and Termination Mechanism of Snowball Earth

  27. 北京队队员盖帽次数最多的是莫里斯。

    Beijing team is morris blocks the most times .

  28. 平均每场得分22.2,抢得9.3个篮板球,有三个盖帽进帐。

    Averaging 22.2 points , 9.3 rebounds and three blocked shots per game .

  29. 汽车灯泡定位盖帽多工位级进模设计

    Design of the Multi_Position Progressive Die for the Nut Caps for Locating Automobile Bulbs

  30. 从连续损伤理论出发,讨论了盖帽模型。

    Cap models are discussed from the point of view of continuum damage theories .