
  • 网络GAP
  1. 这是因为员工从仓储式会员制连锁零售店好市多(CostcoWholesale)的前台收银员到服装连锁零售店盖璞(GAP)的销售助理往往就是消费者与品牌之间首要也是唯一的互动对象。

    That 's because employees from a front-end cashier at Costco Wholesale to a GAP sales associate are often a consumer 's first and only interaction with a brand .

  2. JiWire同时还在为盖璞(Gap)这样的全国性品牌投放基于位置的广告,这样人们点击广告之后就能查看附近所有的盖璞门店。

    Jiwire is also using these geo-located ads for national brands such as the Gap so that people can click a Gap ad and see all the Gap stores nearby .

  3. 美国设计师托德·斯奈德(ToddSnyder)说:“‘工装裤’的长盛不衰在于它的实用主义。”自1992年起,斯奈德陆续在盖璞(Gap)、J.Crew和拉夫·劳伦(PoloRalphLauren)供职。他和库奇内利一样,都喜欢将工装裤和轻便上衣搭配。

    Cargo pants ' longevity is all about their utilitarianism , ' said American designer Todd Snyder , whose resume includes stints at Gap , J.Crew and Polo Ralph Lauren dating back to 1992 , and who shares Mr. Cucinelli 's fondness for pairing cargo pants with a sport coat . '

  4. 美国盖璞新标识在使用一周后被放弃,这是因为消费者觉得新标识太土。

    Gap decided to drop a redesigned logo in America after just a week , because customers thought it hideous .

  5. 在超过60年的职业生涯中,塞尔夫为杜嘉班纳,盖璞,妮维雅和玉兰油等品牌做过模特。

    Miss Selfe has posed for the likes of Dolce Gabbana , Gap , Nivea and Olay during a career which has spanned more than 60 years .