
  • 网络Sin City;Sodom and Gomorrah;Vice City;Frank Miller's Sin City
  1. 在“罪恶之城”中,他们必须经过一头僵尸老虎、一个僵尸钢琴演奏家,还有数百名僵尸投机者。

    Sin City being what it is , they must get past an undead tiger , an undead Liberace impersonator and hundreds of undead gamblers who stack the odds15 against them .

  2. 否则,他们所有的谎言,即维持这座罪恶之城的动力。

    Otherwise , all their own lies-everything that runs Sin City .

  3. 我拍摄过一部电影叫《罪恶之城》(SinCity)。

    I have a movie out now called Sin City .

  4. 首先,《罪恶之城2》(SinCity:ADametoKillFor)的上映日期确定在2013年10月4日。

    First of all , Sin City : A Dame to Kill For is now officially set to open on October 4 , 2013 .

  5. 曾因为主演《罪恶之城》而大红的女星BrittanyMurphy上周日早晨死于家中。据报道,警方在其卧室床头柜上发现了大量强剂量的处方药,包括用于止痛、抗抑郁及防癫痫等。

    Police found a huge amount of powerful prescription medication in Brittany Murphy 's bedroom after her death on Sunday morning , according to reports . The drugs which were on her bedstand included pain , anxiety and depression relievers , as well as anti-seizure medication .

  6. 自极其成功的GTA4、圣安德列斯和罪恶之城发售以来,这系列游戏无疑将会走得更远更好并迎来更多粉丝。

    GTA is a massive series that will no doubt get bigger and gain even more followers by building on its successful games of GTA IV , San Andreas and Vice City .

  7. 它也是一座信奉异教的罪恶之城。

    It was also a sinful city , a heathen city .

  8. 沿着罪恶之城的后巷走下去。

    Walk down the right back alley in sin city .

  9. 《罪恶之城》中的大美女杰西卡?奥尔芭荣登榜首。

    Top spot goes to Sin City beauty Jessica Alba .

  10. 罪恶之城:左拉小说中的巴黎

    The Evil City : Paris in Zola 's Fiction

  11. 《罪恶之城》(第三卷)弗兰克米勒

    Sin City , Vol. 3 , Frank Miller

  12. 主演《罪恶之城》的杰西卡·奥尔芭当选为最性感女演员;

    Jessica Alba , who starred in " Sin City ," is sexiest actress ;

  13. 倘若拉斯维加斯是罪恶之城,那么芭堤雅便是撒旦怀中的宠儿。

    If Las Vegas is Sin City , Pattaya is a bear hug from Lucifer himself .

  14. 罪恶之城

    The City of Crime

  15. 罪恶之城——拉斯维加斯,将波斯顿和西雅图等巨兽之城甩在身后,可不是通过高度取胜的,而是靠它的绝对数量。

    Sin City topped other behemoths like Boston and Seattle , not by height , but by sheer quantity .

  16. 杰西卡·阿尔芭和墨菲主演了2005年的影片《罪恶之城》,改编自弗兰克·米勒的同名漫画小说。

    Jessica Alba and Murphy starred in2005 's " Sin City ," based on the graphic novels by Frank Miller .

  17. 弗兰克米勒的另一部图画小说和电影罪恶之城讲述的是四个关联的故事,腐败和性。

    Another Frank Miller graphic novel and movie ," Sin City ," tells four connected stories of crime , corruption and sex .

  18. 而这让我们见识到了传统出现问题的第二个面向&自信的谈论我们如何快速的接近罪恶之城。

    And that brings us to the second way in which the trads go wrong & in speaking confidently about how we 're galloping toward Gomorrah .

  19. 正如“在拉斯维加斯发生什么都有可能”的这句老话,你不用惊讶在这座“罪恶之城”发生的任何浪漫之事。

    With a motto like " What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas , " its no surprise that Sin City is rife with opportunities to misbehave .

  20. 曾出演《罪恶之城》的女星、26岁的杰西卡·艾尔芭位居第二,25岁的碧昂丝·诺里斯和40岁的哈里·贝瑞并列第五。

    Sin City star Jessica Alba , 26 , claimed second place , while Beyonce Knowles , 25 , and Halle Berry , 40 , were placed joint fifth .

  21. 而这让我们见识到了传统出现问题的第二个面向——自信的谈论我们如何”快速的接近罪恶之城”。这意味着他们知道这个实验的最终结局是怎样的。

    And that brings us to the second way in which the trads go wrong - in speaking confidently about how we 're " galloping toward Gomorrah . " This implies that they know exactly where the experiment is going to end up .