
  • 网络On Crime;the doctrine of sin;Harmatiology;Hamartiology;Sin;Harmartiology
  1. 如行为人为索取合法债务而不得已对债务人采取了一些不当行为的情况,本文作者认为不应当以罪论。

    As for the legitimate debt and take actions to the debtor adopted some forced improper behavior , the author think should not to sin theory .

  2. 论影响力交易罪论行政放弃职权

    Trading in Influence On Abandoning Administrative Power

  3. 第二类是准侵犯行为即作为侵犯商业秘密罪论的行为。

    The second category is quasi-infringement act which is regarded as the crime of breaching commercial secret .

  4. 略论新《刑法》中的侵占罪论新《刑法》的破坏环境资源保护罪

    A Discussion on the Criminal Offense of Embezzlement in the New Criminal Law On the Crime of Destroying Environmental Resources in Criminal Law of P. R. of China

  5. 但在我国理论界,重犯罪论,轻刑罚论,对罚金刑的研究还不够深入、系统,不能很好指导我国罚金刑立法;

    But in our field of theory , taking theory of crime seriously and taking theory of penalty lightly , there 's no much research on fine penalty to guide our legislation of penalty .

  6. 第二,对于内外勾结实施金融诈骗的,在阐述一罪论与数罪论的基础上,得出了该种情形应当按照想象竞合犯处理的结论。

    Second , the implementation of financial fraud , collusion , in dealing with a crime and the number of crimes on the basis of the theory come to the kinds of cases should be handled in accordance with Imaginative Joinder of the conclusions .

  7. 组织越狱罪研究论受贿罪中的为他人谋取利益

    On " working for the interests for others " in bribery crime

  8. 票据诈骗罪界限论要

    On the limit of crime of swindling about bills

  9. 近代初期,随着医学上同性恋病态论的产生,基督教会继续坚持同性恋罪性论,把同性恋基督徒排挤在教会的大门外。

    Early in the modern time , with the medical identity of with abnormal state , the Christian church kept persisting in the criminal nature of it , and kept the homosexual Christians out of the Church .

  10. 然而自19世纪开始,由于近代科学的发展,人们观念的不断开放,基督教的同性恋罪性论开始发生动摇。

    However , since the beginning of the 19th century , due to the development of the modern science , the new concept continually opened , which began to shake the theory of the homosexual criminal nature of the Christianity .

  11. 侵犯商业秘密罪构成要件论析

    Analysis on the constitutive elements of the offence of infringing trade secret

  12. 偷税罪定罪公正论

    On the Fairness of Condemnable to Crime of Tax Evasion

  13. 罪与法&论卡夫卡小说的核心主题

    Sin and Law & On the Core Theme of Franz Kafka 's Novels

  14. 赃物罪若干问题研究论洗钱罪与赃物罪

    Study Some Questions about Crime Related to Loot

  15. 帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪探析证据价值论

    The Discussion about the Crime of Helping to Damage and Forge Proofs Values of Evidence