
  • 网络presenters;presented by
  1. 【新闻快讯】艾美奖(EmmysAwards)主办方于北京时间8月15日公布了第二批颁奖嘉宾的名单,华裔女星刘玉玲也在名单之列。

    The organizers of Emmys Awards has announced the second batch GetWord (" batch "); of the presenters list on August 15 ( Beijing time ), and the Chinese actress Lucy Liu was also in the list .

  2. 目前为止,颁奖嘉宾是谁还没有宣布。

    So far , no award presenters have been announced .

  3. 颁奖嘉宾是梅尔·吉布森(MelGibson)。

    The award was presented by Mel Gibson .

  4. 在你不断取得成功的同时,你还两次被邀请担任奥斯卡的颁奖嘉宾。

    On the back of your success you 've now twice been a presenter at the Academy Awards .

  5. 他们甚至负责将非常重要的、装有获奖者名单的信封密封,然后亲手交给每个奖项的颁奖嘉宾。

    They even seal the all-important winners ' envelopes and personally hand them to the presenters of each award .

  6. 每一系列还分别按照托盘员、颁奖嘉宾引导员和运动员引导员的不同职能设计了三个不同款式。

    Each series of the costumes feature three styles of suits-each for tray holders , medal presenter and athlete escorts .

  7. 企业代表作为冠军赛嘉宾或颁奖嘉宾出席赛事主要公关活动,如开球仪式、配对赛和欢迎晚宴等。

    Corporate representatives can attend major PR events such as tee-off , Pro-Am and welcome Gala dinner as special invited guests or guests of honor .

  8. 有着“奥黛丽·赫本第二”之称的好莱坞当红女星娜塔莉·波特曼除了将角逐第77届奥斯卡的最佳女配角奖项外,还有幸加入到本届奥斯卡的颁奖嘉宾阵容。

    Oscar-nominated movie star Natalie Portman , nominated for a best supporting actress award , will present one of the golden statuettes at this month 's Academy Awards .

  9. 颁奖嘉宾的身份也还是个谜,以往都是在颁奖前几周公布颁奖嘉宾的。

    The identities of the presenters on the awards night have also been kept a secret when in previous years the Academy revealed presenters in the weeks building up to the ceremony .

  10. 奥斯卡组织者于本周一宣布迪斯尼摇滚偶像麦莉·塞勒斯、《歌舞青春》男主角扎克·埃夫隆与《暮光之城》系列的女主角克莉丝汀·斯图亚特、“狼人”泰勒·洛特纳将在3月7日举办的奥斯卡颁奖礼上担当颁奖嘉宾。

    Oscar organizers announced Monday that " Hannah Montana " star Cyrus , Efron of " High School Musical " and Stewart and Lautner will be presenters at the awards show March 7 .

  11. 颁奖嘉宾是他的朋友、曾获奥斯卡奖的演员达斯汀·霍夫曼,他向康诺利致敬,称他是“世界上最最当之无愧的艺术家”。

    Introduced by his friend and Oscar-winning actor Dustin Hoffman , the star paid tribute to the comic , describing him as " an artist in the truest sense of the word . "

  12. 就在最近的某一天,区应钟和儿子AlanAu还在商量向格莱美颁奖礼嘉宾提供礼服的事情。

    On a recent day , Mr. Au and his son , Alan Au , were discussing outfits that they were sending over to participants at the Grammy awards .

  13. 亚洲演员和亚裔美国演员们作为颁奖者和嘉宾出席了周日的颁奖礼,如韩国演员李炳宪(LeeByung-hun)和电视明星明迪·卡灵(MindyKaling)。

    Asian and Asian-American performers , like the South Korean actor Lee Byung-hun and the TV star Mindy Kaling , were on hand as Oscar presenters or prominent guests on Sunday .

  14. 被邀请参加奥斯卡颁奖晚会的嘉宾只有几百人。

    Only a few hundred invited guests can attend the awards presentation .

  15. 为巴萨天王颁奖的重量级嘉宾是巴西退役球星罗纳尔多,梅西从这位足球天王前辈手里接过奖杯时表示:这是一项巨大的荣誉。

    It 's a huge honor , Messi said after accepting the trophy from retired Brazilian great Ronaldo .

  16. 第76届金球奖颁奖典礼将于2019年1月6日播出,颁奖嘉宾是《杀死伊芙》女主吴珊卓和《神烦警探》中的安迪·萨姆伯格。

    The 76th Annual Golden Globe Awards ceremony will air on 6 Jan 2019 , presented by Killing Eve star Sandra Oh and Brooklyn Nine-Nine 's Andy Samberg .