
bān xíng
  • Promulgate;issue for enforcement;publish a decree (law) for enforcement
颁行 [bān xíng]
  • [publish a decree (law) for enforcement] 公布实行

  • 又经过实际天象的校验,《大明历》才得以正式颁行。--《祖冲之》

颁行[bān xíng]
  1. 列强与1923年中国《商标法》之颁行

    The Powers and the Trademark Law of Republican China of 1923

  2. 对完善和发展民族区域自治制度的一点思考&写在《民族区域自治法》颁行20周年前夕

    Some Reflections on the Perfection and Development of the Regional National Autonomy System

  3. 美国医学界与1848年《药品进口法》的颁行

    American Medical Profession and the Enactment of the Drug Importation Act of 1848

  4. 浅析日本教育与中国近代学制的颁行

    Analyzing Formulation of Japan and Chinese Modern Education System

  5. 公元728年《大衍历》颁行。

    The new calendar was im-plemented in 728 .

  6. 诗147:15他发命在地.他的话颁行最快。

    He sends forth His command to the earth ; His word runs very swiftly .

  7. 一条鞭法的颁行堪称中国赋役制度变迁历程中的一次重大变革。

    The implementation of One Lash Method was a great reform in Chinas tax system reform .

  8. 在具体的运行管理中,制定了社仓之法,颁行各省。

    In the specific operational management , made a company warehouse act , enacted the provinces .

  9. 为了有效地规范特许经营,西方不少发达国家还颁行了专门法律。

    On Franchise Business In order to regulate franchise effectively , western countries have promulgate special laws .

  10. 福利改革法的颁行,对福利行政正当程序有很大冲击,但福利行政正当程序仍然存在。

    The enforcement of Welfare Reform Act has made great attack to due process in welfare administration .

  11. 同时,还规定了标准的铜斗铁尺,颁行全国。

    In the meantime , it also regulated the standard of the copper and iron ruler nationally .

  12. 《行政许可法》的颁行是中国行政法治建设的里程碑。

    " PRC Administrative Licensing Law " was promulgated administrative rule of law in China a landmark event .

  13. 但《监督法》颁行后,各地人大在监督工作实践中仍遇到一些问题,尤其在司法监督方面出现一些争议。

    But in practice , the supervision work still meets some problems , especially in some controversial judicial supervision .

  14. 我国相继颁行了一系列有关消费者权益保护的法律法规。

    Our country has issued a series of laws and statutes about the Rights and Interests of consumers protection for enforcement consecutively .

  15. 新条例颁行后这种重合有所缩小,但是制度设计大面积重合的思路却仍旧被保持下来。

    After the enaction of new statute , such overlapping was reduced , while the opinion of great overlapping design was preserved .

  16. 河南省国家税务局根据国家税务总局的有关规定,结合河南的实际情况颁行了一整套稽查新模式。

    Henan State Taxation Bureau has issued a new inspection mode according to the related regulations of National Taxation Bureau and Henan conditions .

  17. 1997年新刑法典的颁行,是我国刑法制度走向现代化的一个重要里程碑。

    The implement of the new criminal code in 1997 was the milestone for the modernization of our country 's criminal law system .

  18. 政府法令与民间惯行:以国民政府颁行年利20%为中心市政府组织法第&号法令

    A Government Decree and Social Customs : The Case of " Annual Interest Rate Below 20 % " Issued by the Kuomintang Government

  19. 本文写作过程中,《物权法》在几经周折后正式颁行。

    Writing issues the main body of a book for enforcement formally in process , " owership law " behind almost going through setbacks .

  20. 我鼓励全国民众庆祝该民权法律颁行21周年纪念日,以及残疾人士做出的诸多贡献。

    I encourage Americans across our Nation to celebrate the21st anniversary of this civil rights law and the many contributions of individuals with disabilities .

  21. 新颁行的《中华人民共和国行政许可法》首次规定了信赖保护原则在行政许可中的运用。

    Although the principle of administration trust protection is an important concept in the administrative law , the research on it is relatively backward .

  22. 新中国成立以来,我国先后颁行了两部婚姻法,都没有对婚约进行明文规定。

    Since the founding of new China , our country has issued two marriage law , have no effect on the engagement was expressly .

  23. 韩国宪法法院星期四进行投票,以七票对两票的表决结果废除了通奸法。该法律是1953年颁行的。

    The Constitutional Court on Thursday ruled by a vote of seven to two against the adultery ban , which was enacted in 1953 .

  24. 我国《公司法》颁行以来,公司制度不断发展,公司法理论研究日新月异。

    The company system develops continuously and the research of company law theories changes with each passing day since the company law takes into force .

  25. 因为这一年《治安法官法》的颁行,规定在英格兰每个郡内由一个领主和三四个富有且拥有法律知识的人来维持该郡的治安。

    This Act prescribes that the peace of each shire shall be kept by a lord and three or four men with knowledge of law .

  26. 此时,政府颁行新学制,对中小学历史教育的相关内容和政策作出了界定。

    The government set up and enforced new educational system , which stimulated the relevant content and policy on history education in middle and primary schools .

  27. 我国《收养法》虽已颁行多年,但由于立法不完善、人们了解和重视程度不一以及收养执法上存在不到位不规范等各种原因,使生活实践中收养弃婴行为存在一些突出问题。

    There are some striking problems in practice on adopting deserted babies , though the present Adoption Law of the PRC has been issued for years .

  28. 文章第二部分还在文献、文本和数理统计分析的基础上,对唐赦颁布原由、颁行频率及各朝具体状况进行了分析。

    In the second part , the thesis analyzes the reasons , frequencies and status of different periods based on the statistics on the relevant resources .

  29. 我国迄今已颁行了一系列有关海洋资源保护与海洋管理方面的法律法规,初步构成了我国海洋资源保护法律体系。

    China has enacted a series of laws and regulations on marine resources protection and administration and has basically established the legal system of marine resources protection .

  30. 这个措施本来要在2010年颁行,但保加利亚政府以这项措施可能会损害国家旅游业为由而推迟了该措施的执行。

    Such a measure was to be enforced in2010 , but was postponed by the government with the argument that it might harm the country 's tourism .