
zhōnɡ ɡuó ɡōnɡ fu
  • Chinese kung fu;Chinese gongfu
  1. 我喜欢运动,喜欢中国功夫。

    I like sports and Chinese Gongfu ( Chinese martial arts ) .

  2. 他决定学习中国功夫。

    He decides to study kung fu .

  3. 他们学会了包饺子,练中国功夫和剪纸。

    They learned to make dumplings , play Chinese kung fu and do paper cutting .

  4. 在70年代的时候,我很迷中国功夫。美国佩斯大学(PaceUniversity)41岁的网页开发员蕾切尔•克林贝格(RachelKlingberg)谈起了她儿时对武术的喜爱。

    ' I was a big fan of Kung Fu movies in the 1970s , ' says Rachel Klingberg , a 41-year-old Pace University Web developer , about her early interest in martial arts .

  5. 我非常喜欢中国功夫,它太棒了!

    Well , I 'm a big fan of Chinese kungfu .

  6. 中国功夫举世无双,是独特的物质文化遗产。

    Peerless Chinese Kung fu is a unique material culture heritage .

  7. 我要马上学习中国功夫,就现在。

    Neo : Cipher , I need to learn Kongfu Now .

  8. 李小龙?大熊猫?还是中国功夫?

    Bruce Lee , the giant panda , or kung fu ?

  9. 他的最新作品就是一部叫做《英雄》的史诗性的中国功夫片。

    His latest film is the Chinese-made martial arts epic called Hero .

  10. 安妮:这还有假,这是一部正宗的中国功夫片。

    Annie : Absolutely . This is a real Chinese Kungfu Film .

  11. 学中国功夫,学中国文化。

    Learn Chinese kungfu , learn the Chinese culture .

  12. 少林和尚在马耳他表演中国功夫。

    Shaolin monks perform Chinese Kung Fu in Malta .

  13. 是的,我每天都练中国功夫。

    Yes , I practice Chinese kungfu every day .

  14. 你知道,中国功夫有很多门类或派别。

    You know , there are many schools or styles of Kung Fu .

  15. 安妮:应该说是中国功夫片。

    Annie : I like Chinese Kungfu films most .

  16. 今天的演出浓缩了中国功夫的千年传统和历史。

    Today 's show condensed the thousand-year tradition and history of Chinese Kungfu .

  17. 这是中国功夫的优点。

    This is the advantage of Chinese martial arts .

  18. 是的。你对中国功夫感兴趣吗?

    Yeah . Are you interested in Chinese kungfu ?

  19. 中国功夫又成为一种流行的潮流。

    Chinese Kung Fu has become fashionable again .

  20. 你喜欢中国功夫吗?这里就是中国的武术之乡。

    Do you like Chinese Kongfu ? Here is the hometown of Chinese Kongfu .

  21. 很多中国功夫,在海外也都有真传。

    A lot of China effort also all have true oral tradition in the overseas .

  22. 我和我父母一起住在汉城,但我喜欢中国功夫片。

    My parents and I live in Seoul , but I love Chinese action movies .

  23. 中国功夫秀

    A Collection of Chinese Martial Arts

  24. 你会中国功夫吗?

    Do you know Chinese kungfu ?

  25. 中国功夫电影《叶问3》将于本周五在美国影院正式上映。

    Chinese Kung Fu film ' Ip Man 3 ' will open in US theaters this Friday .

  26. 我们的学生在舞蹈、音乐、魔术、中国功夫和短剧小品上大肆炫耀自己的才能。

    Our student performers show off their talents in dancing , magic , Chinese Kongfu , and skits .

  27. 那名中国功夫大师最喜爱做的事就是打破那个老外职业拳师的世界纪录。

    The Chinese Kungfu master would love nothing better than to break the foreign bruiser 's world record .

  28. 亚洲像中国功夫等武术元素现在我们可以在许许多多非亚洲动作电影中找到。

    Asian martial arts elements , such as kungfu can now be found in numerous non-Asian action films .

  29. 本周介绍一位九岁已是全国武术冠军的中国功夫巨星。

    This week , a Chinese martial arts superstar , who 's been a champion since the age of nine .

  30. 导演马克。奥斯波恩也是一位非常热爱中国功夫和中国文化的美国导演。

    Directed by Mark Osborne is also a great passion for Chinese martial arts and Chinese culture , the American director .