
  1. 他的乡土小说描写了古老乡镇的风俗人情画面,展现了乡村百姓的悲剧命运,揭示了老中国儿女灵魂的愚昧与麻木,批判了国民劣根性。

    His local color fictions depict the people and custom in old villages , unfold the miserable fate of ordinary villagers , reveal the ignorance and insensitivity of the older generation , and criticize the deep rooted bad habits of Chinese people .

  2. 在中国未婚儿女与父母分开居住是很异乎寻常的。

    In China it is unusual for unmarried sons and daughters to live separately from their parents .

  3. 啊,中国&中华儿女可亲可敬的母亲。

    Ah , China-the sons and daughters amiable and respectful of the mother .

  4. 他们不愧为中国人民的好儿女。

    They have proved themselves to be fine sons and daughters of the Chinese people .

  5. 中国,您的儿女用坚实的脚步踩出一条前无古人的长路;

    China , your sons and daughters with a solid pace Caichu an unprecedented long way ;