
  • 网络Chinese literature
  1. 中华文学的整体性,已经引起学术界的普遍关注。

    The integrity of Chinese literature has already attracted universal attention in academic field .

  2. 中华文学实可谓源远流长,历尽沧桑。

    Chinese literature has a very long history and has witnessed some turbulent times .

  3. 杨荣文:中华文学增强自信

    Yangrongwen : Chinese literature boosts self-confidence

  4. 文学批评的真精神&读《中华文学评论百年精华》札记

    The True Spirit of Literary Criticism

  5. 这种热爱文学工作的精神,是促成中华文学络绎不绝,源远流长的重要因素。

    This love for literature is an important factor contributing to the breadth and continuity of Chinese literature .

  6. 中国是一个多民族国家,亘古至今,中国各族人民共同创造了丰富多彩的中华文学。

    China is a multi-ethnic country , From the past to the present , the Chinese people work together to create a variety of Chinese literature .

  7. 台港文学研究的新收获&序《百年中华文学中的台港文学》

    New Gains in the Research of Taiwan and Hong Kong Literature & Preface to Taiwan and Hong Kong Literature in Chinese Literature in the Past Century ;

  8. 中华文学作品艺术插图历史悠久,博大精深,是我国文化艺术史上的宝贵财富。

    The artistic illustration in Chinese literary works has a long history , which is broad and profound . It is precious wealth in Chinese culture and art .

  9. 今后可以参照《中华文学通史》框架,做适当调整,最终达到汉族民间文学史和少数民族民间文学史的有机融合。

    The combination of the history of Han folk literature and that of minority folk literature can be reached in the light of the structure of General History of Chinese Literature .

  10. 《中华文学评论百年精华》一书本着举凡有批评之精神、理论之态度、独到之眼光、精妙之见解而又能斐然成章者的编选标准,荟萃精华。

    On the standard of the critical spirit , the theoretical manner , the special eyes and the exquisite opinion , The Hundred Years Essence of Chinese Literature Comments gathered all the essence .

  11. 读了12年传统华校,虽然最终在理科班毕业,我对中华文学仍有深厚的感情。

    For twelve years , I was educated in a traditional Chinese school . Even though I graduated from a science class eventually , I still profess a profound sentiment for Chinese literature .

  12. 兼任中华文学史料学学会古代文学文献研究会会长、古古代散文学会副会长等。

    At the same time , he assumes the chairman of the ancient literature research society of the Chinese literature historical data society , and the vice-chairman of the ancient Chinese prose society , etc.

  13. 各民族民间文学的交流整合与中华民间文学的总体风格

    Exchanges and Integrations of Folk Literature and General Style of Chinese Folk Literature

  14. 台港文学是中华整体文学图谱中的文学,是中华文化框架内的同质文学,具有相同的血缘与遗传。

    Taiwan and Hong Kong literature is a component of the whole Chinese literature .

  15. 海外中华游子文学创作的文化取向&以东南亚中华游子文学为例

    The Cultural Orientation of Overseas Chinese Literature Creation & Overseas Chinese Literature Creation in Southeast Asia

  16. 中华民族文学是多民族文学构成的共同体,具有多样统一的特点。

    Chinese literature is a community formed by multinational literature , which is of characteristics of diversity and unification .

  17. 富有地域色彩和独特民族特点的文学世界,构成中华民族文学长廊中壮丽的一页。

    The Rich region color and unique ethical characteristic in the literature world form one of the gallant cantos of the long corridor of Chinese nation literature .

  18. 典型个案研究与中华多民族文学史观的实践问题

    Typical Case Study and the Practical Issues of Chinese Multi-Ethnic View of Literal History

  19. 中华多民族文学史观研讨的局限及反思

    The Limitation and Rethinking of the Discussion on " Chinese Multi-ethnic Literature History View "

  20. 但是总而言之,流散写作还是在某种程度上促进了中华文化和文学的全球化进程,彰显了其全球性特征。

    On the whole , diasporic writing has promoted the global process of Chinese culture and literature foregrounding their global characteristics .

  21. 亟须编撰尽可能真正再现中华多民族文学原生态和民族特点的《中国古代文学史》。

    It is urgent to compile Chinese ancient literature history which can truly reappear original features and nationality characteristics of Chinese multinational literature .

  22. 《中华大典·明清文学分典》抽样分析

    A Sampling Analysis of A Great Dictionary of Chinese Culture · Records of Literature in Ming and Qing Dynasties

  23. 中华书局的外国文学翻译出版事业虽然起步有点晚,但成长速度很快,不管是从译介数量和规模来看,还是从译本的质量和影响来看,都是值得关注的。

    Although the translation publishing of foreign literature starts late , the growing rate is very fast . Not only the number and scale but also the quality and the influence of the translations deserve attention .

  24. 澳门当代文学深受中华民族文化精神的浸润和中华民族文学传统的影响。

    In the course of the development , contemporary literature of Macao has formed its own flavor , pioneering and oriented to national cultural spirit and literary tradition .

  25. 而金代文学在中华大地上的崛起,对于多元一体的中华各民族文学互动互补、相激相融历史格局的形成和发展做出了独特贡献。

    While the rise of literature of the Kin Dynasty in ancient China had made unique contributions to the formation of the historical layout of the interacting , compensating , motivating and fusing pluralism of Chinese ethnic literature . , in the development of literature .