
niú péng
  • cowshed;stall;byre;lair
牛棚 [niú péng]
  • [cowshed] 原为饲养牛的棚子。中国文革时常指羁押受害者的地方,因这些人被诬称牛鬼蛇神,故名

牛棚[niú péng]
  1. 我想骗狮子们,让它们以为我正站在牛棚附近。

    I was trying to trick the lions into thinking ) that I was standing near the cowshed .

  2. 于是有一天晚上,我拿着火把在牛棚里走来走去,那天狮子没来。

    So one night , I was walking around the cowshed with a torch , and that day the lions didn 't come .

  3. 他去钓了鱼,并把钓来的鱼钉在牛棚的墙上晒干。

    He fished and nailed up his catch to dry on the wall of the byre .

  4. 但我开始意识到这并未真正奏效,因为它甚至帮助狮子看穿了牛棚。

    But I came to realize that that didn 't really help , because it was even helping the lions to see through the cowshed .

  5. 威伯的新家在谷仓的下层,正好在牛棚底下。

    Wilbur 's new home was in the lower part of the barn , directly underneath10 the cows .

  6. 整个下午都很平安,虽然有几个雇工来牛棚照料牛群,但是没有一个人注意到雄鹿的存在,雄鹿一边暗自庆幸可以平安逃走,一边对公牛表示感激。

    In the course of the afternoon more than one of the farm-hands came in , to attend to the wants of the cattle , but not one of them noticed the presence of the stag , who accordingly began to congratulate himself on his escape and to express his gratitude3 to the oxen .

  7. 一只雄鹿被猎狗赶出了巢,只得躲进一个农家小院里。他闯进一个满是公牛的牛棚里,拼命挤进空牛栏的干草堆中,藏了起来,但是他的鹿角却一直藏在外面。

    A stag , chased from his lair1 by the hounds , took refuge in a farmyard , and , entering a stable where a number of oxen were stalled , thrust himself under a pile of hay in a vacant stall , where he lay concealed2 , all but the tips of his horns .

  8. 这些手套都是缝制于东萨西克斯一个农场里经改造过的牛棚,领头的是身形窈窕的吉纳维芙·詹姆斯(GenevieveJames)。

    Each of these gloves was sewn in a converted cowshed on a farm in East Sussex , under the direction of the willowy Genevieve James .

  9. 当他工作时,奥利弗透过牛棚的窗向外看去。

    As he worked , Olive looked through the barn window .

  10. 阿民将会在星期三牛棚练投后评估。

    The right-hander will be evaluated after a bullpen session on Wednesday .

  11. 我们可以听到牛棚里的牛在哞哞叫。

    We could hear the cows mooing in the cowshed .

  12. 他们埋伏在牛棚里。

    They had been lying in ambush in the cowshed .

  13. 他们为公社建造了几个牛棚。

    They have put up several cattle-sheds for the commune .

  14. 孩子,在这里等着,等我先把牛牵进牛棚里去。

    O child , wait here till I bring her into the stall .

  15. 他的嗅觉告诉他已来到了牛棚附近。

    His nose told him that he was getting near the cow shed .

  16. 没有任何一位救援投手在牛棚中练投。

    No reliever threw a pitch in the bullpen .

  17. 农民把牛群赶到自己的牛棚里。

    The farmer herded the cows into his cowshed .

  18. 牛棚里的肥料在太阳下晒干用作煮饭的燃料

    dried in the sun manure from the cowsheds would be used as cooking fuel

  19. 它们已经回到它们村里的牛棚去了。

    they have gone to their village stalls .

  20. 昨天跳过先发的穆帅,星期五已经开始在牛棚练投。

    Mike Mussina , who skipped a start yesterday , threw a bullpen session Friday .

  21. 王建民将在星期日进行传接球练习,并预定在星期一进牛棚练投。

    Wang will play catch Sunday and is scheduled to have a bullpen session Monday .

  22. 就像这条运载死亡的黑人、牛棚和鸡笼的河,

    Like the river with its cargo of dead negroes , cows and chicken coops ,

  23. 你们俩先到牛棚里去。

    You two go into the barn .

  24. 政府把它们牵走,然后将它们和其他人的奶牛关到一个牛棚里。

    The government takes them and put them in a barn with everyone else 's cows .

  25. 老人的儿子被放逐到三公里外的牛棚。

    The man 's sons were banished to live three kilometers away , in a cowshed .

  26. 郭到时可能会取代,已被送进牛棚的韩德瑞克。

    Kuo could then emerge as the replacement for mark hendrickson , who has been sent to the bullpen .

  27. 在这片广大的地面上看不见一只牛;它们已经回到它们村里的牛棚去了。

    There are no cattle to be seen in the wide field ; they have gone to their village stalls .

  28. 屋后还有一个大院子,院子里设有马厩牛棚,有不少马匹和母牛,一辆富丽堂皇的大马车就停在那儿;

    Outside the house there was a large courtyard with the very best carriages and stalls for horses and cows .

  29. 更多的机会呈现在洋基身上,但是水手的牛棚似乎让这机会一闪而逝。

    Further opportunities would be presented for New York , but the Mariners'hard-throwing bullpen seemed able to flush out the chances .

  30. 洋基选择小跟班弃井川庆,井川庆能够在星期五晚上上场担任牛棚,但是没有出场。

    The Yankees chose Karstens over Kei igawa , who was available out of the bullpen on Friday but didn 't pitch .