
  • 网络newton interpolation
  1. 牛顿插值法在自动确定支持度阈值中的应用

    Application of Newton Interpolation for Determining the Threshold of Support Automatically

  2. 根据这一原理,建立了一种能够模拟天气系统降水分布,并利用牛顿插值法对模拟结果进行地形影响修正的新型降水分布数学模型,提出了对降水中心位置及其中心降水量的模型模拟。

    Supporting by the hypothesis , this paper established a new precipitation distribution hydrological model which could simulate the spatial distribution of precipitation , and modified the terrain effect on precipitation through Newton interpolation .

  3. 用牛顿插值法求解梁的挠度

    Using Newton interpolating method to solve the beam deflection

  4. 对于二维初至波射线追踪方法,采用牛顿插值法替换原来的线性插值。

    For the first-arrival wave two-dimensional ray-tracing method , Newton travel-time interpolation method replaces the original linear travel-time interpolation .

  5. 平面凸轮廓线分析中牛顿插值法的应用及其误差探讨

    The application of newton 's method of interpolation and its error estimation in the analysis of plate cam profiles

  6. 通过比较求解梁挠度的常用方法积分法和叠加法的优缺点之后,提出一种新的计算方法牛顿插值法。

    The article put a new calculating method by comparing the characteristic between integral method and superposition approach which are generally used to solve the deflection of a beam .

  7. 设计了一种基于DSP的温度、压力测试装置,采用提出的一种改进的向后逐次分段的牛顿均差插值法,实现了对温度、压力进行实时测试的数字化、高精度和直观化。

    Presents a kind of test equipment on temperature and pressure based on DSP . Adopting a successive backward sectional Newton divided difference interpolation mathematics model proposed by author , this equipments make the test for temperature , pressure digitalization , high precision and visualization .

  8. 在此基础上采用牛顿-拉格朗日插值法进行计算,用双精度计算保证计算结果的精度,方程中各项的离散采用二阶迎风格式,压力-速度的耦合采用CFD中经典的SIMPLE算法求解。

    Double-precision calculation is used to make sure the precision of the outcome . The second order aweather format is used to the scatter of the equation . SIMPLE arithmetic which is classical in CFD calculation is used to coupling of pressure - velocity .

  9. 牛顿法与插值法的并用

    Usage of Newton 's Method and Insert 's method