
  • 网络Bovine tuberculosis;bTB
  1. 牛结核病巢式PCR快速检测方法的建立

    Development of a nested PCR for rapid detection of bovine tuberculosis

  2. PCR方法作为辅助PPD试验的快速检测方法用于牛结核病的调查,具有重要的实用价值和应用前景。

    The PCR method has important practical value and application prospects , as a supplementary method of the PPD test for the rapid detection of bovine tuberculosis investigations .

  3. 牛结核病(TB)在非洲部分地区是严重问题。

    Bovine TB is a major problem in parts of Africa .

  4. 牛结核病(TB)是一种慢性、消耗性传染病。

    Bovine tuberculosis is a progressive wasting disease .

  5. 牛结核病多重组抗原间接ELISA试剂盒的研制及应用

    Development and Application of an Indirect ELISA Kit for Diagnosing of Bovine Tuberculosis Using a Recombinant Multi-Antigen

  6. 人类感染牛结核病(TB),需要注射大剂量的抗生素,九个月才能治愈。

    People who get bovine TB have to take strong antibiotics for up to nine months to cure them .

  7. 牛结核病不仅严重影响养牛业的健康发展,同样也会导致部分人TB的发生。

    Bovine tuberculosis has not only affected the healthy development of the cattle industry seriously , but also may cause some human TB occurrence .

  8. 结果使用结核杆菌早期分泌蛋白TB10.4作为抗原用间接ELISA方法快速检测牛结核病,并区分BCG免疫的健康牛和感染牛的结果显示灵敏度为23%,没有假阳性反应。

    It was found that when TB 10.4 was used as antigen in the indirect ELISA assay , the sensitivity approached up to 23 % without false positive reaction .

  9. 该复合物主要成员包括主要引起人TB的MTB以及引起牛结核病的牛分枝杆菌(Mycobacteriumbovis,M.bovis)。

    The key members of the complex including MTB mainly caused human tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis ( M. bovis ) mainly caused bovine tuberculosis .

  10. Geoghegan研究的最初目标是发现南非野生生物公园周围的哪些家畜感染了牛结核病。

    Geoghegan 's research initially aims to discover where bovine TB occurs in domestic livestock around South African wildlife parks .

  11. 牛结核病主要是由牛分枝杆菌(Mycobacteriumbovis,MTB)引起的一种人兽共患传染病,它严重危害人的健康和畜牧业的发展,且导致巨大的经济损失。

    Bovine tuberculosis ( Bovine TB ) is a zoonotic disease caused by Mycobacterium bovis ( MTB ), which threatens the health of humans and animals , and result in huge economic losses .

  12. ClaireGeoghegan正在领导着南非的一个研究项目,确定贫困地区牛结核病的流行程度,并找出谁面临最大风险及其原因。

    Claire Geoghegan is leading a South African research programme to quantify the prevalence of bovine TB in poverty-stricken areas , and find out who is at most risk and why .

  13. NatashaBolognesi报道说,牛结核病和普通结核病对人类同样危险,但是对前者的了解还相对较少。

    Bovine tuberculosis is no less dangerous to humans than common TB , but relatively little is known about it , reports Natasha Bolognesi .

  14. 牛结核病(BovineTuberculosis)是一种非常重要的人畜共患传染病,主要由牛分枝杆菌(Mycobacteriumbovis,M.bovis)感染引起,可以通过吸入含菌的气溶胶或食用未经消毒的牛奶传染给人。

    Bovine tuberculosis ( bovine Tuberculosis ) is a very important zoonotic disease , mainly caused by Mycobacterium bovis ( Mycobacterium bovis , M. bovis ) infection by inhalation the bacterial aerosol or edible unsterilized milk transmitted to humans .

  15. Geoghegan说,牛结核病最初是在20世纪60年代由野生动物传给了牛,特别是由野牛传给了牛,但是直到90年代传播才加快了速度。

    According to Geoghegan , bovine TB was originally passed from cattle to wild animals * , particularly buffalo , in the1960s but was only picked up in the1990s .

  16. 在埃塞俄比亚,一个牛结核病研究共同体正在开展研究,这是英国Wellcome基金会管理的发展中国家动物卫生项目的一部分。

    Work by a bovine TB consortium is underway in Ethiopia , as part of the Initiative on Animal Health in the Developing World run by the UK 's Wellcome Trust .

  17. Geoghegan希望他们的研究可以表明牛结核病对公共卫生的威胁被低估了,但是对它进行控制可以减少疾病和贫困。

    Geoghegan hopes that her study will show that bovine TB 's threat to public health is underestimated , but that it can be controlled to reduce disease and poverty .

  18. 最终,Geoghegan和她的研究组希望把他们的结果和非洲其他国家的数据相比,从而开发出数学模型,用于预测整个非洲牛结核病的发病情况。

    Ultimately , Geoghegan and her team hope to collate their results with other African data to develop mathematical models that can be used to predict bovine TB incidence throughout Africa .

  19. 事实上,南非医学研究理事会的结核病研究前负责人BernardFourie说,如今人类感染牛结核病已经不太常见了,而且它完全可以治愈。

    Indeed , Bernard Fourie , former director of TB research at the South African Medical Research Council , says that bovine TB in humans is uncommon these days , and fully curable .

  20. 通过牲畜之间的传播,牛结核病产生了进一步的风险。

    Bovine TB poses a further risk through transmission from livestock .

  21. 牛结核病是一种人畜共患的慢性传染病。

    Bovine Tuberculosis is one of the chronic consumptive contagious infectious diseases .

  22. 牛结核病γ-干扰素诊断方法的优化与应用

    Optimization and Application in Diagnosis of IFN - γ Detection of Bovine Tuberculosis

  23. 牛结核病病原学调查及分子流行病学研究

    Pathogenic Investigation and Molecular Epidemiological of Bovine Tuberculosis

  24. 人们认为欧洲定居者在19世纪早期把牛结核病带到了非洲。

    European settlers are thought to have brought bovine TB into Africa in the early1800s .

  25. 由于牛结核病的存在,致使人结核病最终无法根除。

    Because of the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis , human tuberculosis can not be eradicated .

  26. 如果没能发现牛结核病感染,而且没有进行治疗,这种疾病可能传遍易感社区。

    If an infection is missed and no treatment offered , the disease can spread through vulnerable communities .

  27. 近年来出现的人结核病与牛结核病相互传染的情况,给结核病的彻底根除造成了巨大的困难。

    Recently the transmission of human tuberculosis and bovine tuberculosis causes great problem to the complete eradication of tuberculosis .

  28. 人类感染牛结核病的症状不同于感染普通结核病的症状,后者会严重损伤肺功能。

    Symptoms of bovine TB in humans are different from those of common TB , which severely compromises lung function .

  29. 近年来,牛结核病严重地危害着畜牧业的发展和人类的健康。

    In recent years , the development of stock farming and the health of human beings were still threatened by TB .

  30. 迄今为止,科学家把注意力集中在了定量确定野生生物公园建立前后牛结核病在野生动物中的传播。

    Efforts so far have focused on quantifying spread of the disease in wildlife before and after the establishment of wildlife parks .