
  • 网络universal gravitation
  1. 牛顿万有引力定律是正确的。

    Newton 's law of universal gravitation is valid .

  2. 引力场方程组在时不变的稳态情况下退化为牛顿万有引力定律。

    Under the condition without time varying , the equation group of gravitational field is deduced to Newton 's law of universal gravitation .

  3. 对牛顿万有引力定律的一种可能的修正

    A Possible Correction Made for Newton 's Law of Gravitation

  4. 分析的基本出发点是牛顿万有引力位是由随时间变化的质量密度增量产生的;

    The analysis is based on the Newton incremental gravitational potential whose source is the time-varying incremental mass density .

  5. 这就是,牛顿万有引力定理,他视作的。,万有引力。

    And this now is Newton 's Universal Law of Gravity , which he postulated * Universal Law of Gravity .

  6. 本文对牛顿万有引力定律提出了一种非黎曼几何的相对论性的可能修正公式。

    In this paper , a possible Correction of non-Riemannian geometric relativity is made for Newton 's Law of Gravitation .

  7. 牛顿的万有引力定律是极其有用的。

    Newton 's law of universal gravitation has been extremely useful .

  8. 牛顿的万有引力定律指的是两个质点之间的力。

    Newton 's law of gravitation refers to the force between two particles .

  9. 这个嘛…你可以把牛顿的万有引力常数设为1。

    Well ... You could have set Newton 's gravitational constant to one .

  10. 所以很多人拒绝接受牛顿关于万有引力的假设。

    So a lot of people objected to Newton 's postulation of this gravitational force .

  11. 牛顿的万有引力定律

    Newton 's law of gravity

  12. 但是不存在后来牛顿的万有引力说里讲的那种超距作用。

    But there is no action at a distance , as later in Newton 's theory of gravitation .

  13. 因此,牛顿关于万有引力的论述中蕴含着物理学早期近距作用场的思想萌芽。

    So Newton 's dissertation about Gravitation ( implicates ) the thought of close range function field of early physics .

  14. 就如同牛顿假设万有引力一样,那些简单的方程式解释了我们的所知所感。

    Just like Newton had postulated the force of gravity with these very simple equations to explain what we perceive .

  15. 只有秋天才能激发牛顿发现万有引力定律的灵感,除非那只传说中的苹果落得不合季节。

    It had to be autumn ( unless the fabled apple fell unseasonably ) that inspired Newton to discover the law of gravity .

  16. 用逻辑分析出天文学中的哈勃定律意味着宇宙间存在万有斥力,它与牛顿的万有引力定律相互矛盾。

    Hubble law in astronomy means there is gravitational repulsion in the universe , and it is in contradiction with Newton 's law of universal gravitation .

  17. 但是这并没有意味着我们试图理解世界的热情有所减少,诸如牛顿对万有引力的研究一样。

    But it does mean that our attempts to understand the world are reduced to the kind of thing that Newton did in case of gravitation .

  18. 我们知道,牛顿的万有引力定律认为,一切有质量的物体均相互吸引,这是一种静态的超距作用。

    We know that Newton 's law of gravity that all objects have the quality of both the mutual attraction , which is a static role of ultra-distance .

  19. 你可以将科学理论视作为推导结论的工具,牛顿对于万有引力的态度也是如此,其对后世的影响非常深远。

    You see a scientific theory as an instrument to deliver result and Newton took something like that attitude to gravitation and as we will see was very influential .

  20. 他否定牛顿的万有引力,说如果真是那样的话,地球早被吸到太阳上去了。

    He has negated Newton 's universal gravitation , and said that if Newton 's theory were right , the earth would have long been drawn to the sun .

  21. 艾萨克·牛顿的苹果落地传奇已经有250年的历史,这给了牛顿开创万有引力定律的启示。

    It 's been almost 250 years since the apple fell from the legendary tree on Isaac Newton 's estate , giving Newton the inspiration to formulate his law of gravity .

  22. 这截4英寸长的树枝现存于伦敦皇家学会档案馆,它来自那颗激发牛顿得出万有引力定律的苹果树。

    The4-inch-long wood sample , which is normally held in the Royal Society archives in London , comes from the original tree from which an apple fell and inspired Newton 's theory of gravity .

  23. 牛顿以其万有引力而闻名。

    Newton was famous for his theory of universal gravitation .

  24. 牛顿确定了万有引力的定律。

    Newton conclusively established the law of gravity .

  25. 这么一来牛顿提出的万有引力过程,我们把它视作工具主义,柏克莱将其普遍化。

    So the lesson that Newton grew in the case of gravity and Berkeley generalized as we saw in his instrumentalism .

  26. 下面是牛顿的万有,引力定律,不管你信,或不信,在考试中,我出了关于万有引力,定律的题目。

    So let 's now turn to Newton 's universal law of gravity , and believe it or not , I think I even give you on the exam the gravitational force of Newton 's universal law of gravity .

  27. TheMakingofIsaacNewton牛顿+苹果=万有引力凡是上过学的人大概都知道这个典故:艾萨克·牛顿在看到从树上掉下的苹果后,就创立了著名的万有引力学说。

    Anyone who has ever gone to school is probably aware that Isaac Newton formed his theory of gravity after seeing an apple fall from a tree .

  28. 书中一开始就介绍了牛顿的经典的万有引力理论,作者们把这比作是攀登那令人头晕目眩的顶峰之前在山脚下进行的轻松的准备活动。

    The authors characterize their early review of Newton 's classical theory of gravitation , for example , as a gentle workout in the foothills before we head for the dizzy heights .

  29. 本周一,一份有关牛顿是如何发现万有引力定律的18世纪的手稿被传到网上,让不易保存的纸质手稿内容首次在网上与公众见面。

    An18th-century account of how Newton developed the theory of gravity was posted to the Web Monday , making the fragile paper manuscript widely available to the public for the first time .

  30. 在爱因斯坦的相对论基础之上,借助牛顿绝对时空的观点,对牛顿万有引力定律进行了理论推导。

    The equation of the Law of Universal Gravitation is deduced on the basis of Einstein 's Relativity with Newton 's viewpoint of absolute space time .