
  • 网络flash spectrum;flash spectroscopy
  1. 同时本文对SGF闪光光谱测试仪的原理以及测试结果进行了介绍。

    In addi-tion , the principle of SGF flash spectrum tester and some testing data are shown .

  2. 介绍一种多光栅的闪光光谱测量仪器。

    The flash spectrum measuring instrument with multi gratings is introduced .

  3. 酪氨酸光电离过程的激光闪光光谱研究:pH效应

    Study on Laser Flash Spectroscopy of Processes of Photoionization of Tyrosine : pH Effects

  4. 本文综述了闪光灯光谱分布指数SDI值的计算方法,并对闪光光谱测试系统的组成、性能及测试结果进行了介绍与分析。

    And analysis of components property and test result for the flash spectral measurement system .

  5. 闪光光谱图象传感、采集和处理

    Sensing , Collecting and Processing of Flash Spectral Image

  6. 1980年日全食色球闪光光谱观测和初步结果

    The observation and preliminary analysis of the chromospheric flash spectrum obtained during the total solar eclipse of Feb. 16 , 1980

  7. 1980年2月16日日全食时,我们在云南省瑞丽县用一架无缝光谱仪成功地进行了一次闪光光谱观测。仪器由定天镜供光,平均色散度为5.7/mm。

    A successful observation of the flash spectrum was made by a slitless spectrograph in Bui-Li county , Yun-Nan province during the total solar eclipse of Feb. 16 , 1980 . The spectrograph fed by a coelostat has an average dispersion of 5.7 A / mm .