
  • 网络Bright star;The Shining Star
  1. 一个好老师对学生来说就像一颗闪亮的星。

    A good teacher is like a shining star to students .

  2. 李老师,就像一颗闪亮的星照耀着我前进的道路。

    Miss Li , like a shining star , shines in my path of success .

  3. 可能他某天成为一个闪亮的星在天空。

    Maybe someday he become a shooting star in the sky .

  4. 闪亮的星用爱填满了我们的梦。

    Let the bright stars fill our dreams with love .

  5. 你在我生命中,是那最闪亮的星。

    You in my life , are the star which that most glistens .

  6. 你是颗闪亮的星。

    You aree a shining star .

  7. 李老师,我高中时的英语老师,就是我生命中的一颗闪亮的星。

    Miss Li , my senior middle school English teacher , is a shining star in my life .

  8. 托妮·莫里森是美国文学里一颗闪亮的星,其作品常常关注黑人,尤其是黑人女性屈辱和压抑的命运。

    Toni Morrison , a bright star in American Literature , often concerns much with the fate of black people in her works , especially the humiliated and oppressed black women .

  9. 人生不一定要做一颗闪亮的星,只要自己能够开心,能够发出最美的光辉,又何妨做一个普通人呢。

    Life need not involve a shining star , that if he can be happy , able to send the most beautiful brilliant , but also why not make it an ordinary person .

  10. 我爱小草野花的知心,更爱闪亮的夜星。

    Green grass and wild flowers are my friends , shining stars my love .

  11. 节日会场中心是一棵高80英尺的挪威云杉,树上挂了3千盏彩灯,树顶装有一颗闪亮的施华洛世奇星型水晶。

    At the center of the festivities was an eighty-foot Norway spruce illuminated by more than 3000 lights and topped by a Swarovski star .