
  • 网络The direction of the heart;Lighthouse;The Way of the Heart;About Schmidt;Shape of my heart
  1. 也许我要的就是继续起程,沿着心的方向,去找BAK(名字)的幸福。

    Probably what I need is to go on travelling , along the direction of heart , to find BAK 's happiness .

  2. 而是处在同一数轴上的正负两个相对原心的方向上。

    But at the same number of plus or minus two-axis the relative direction of the original heart .

  3. 正如厄尔南丁格尔说:“目前我们的主导思想的心的方向移动了。”

    As what Earl Nightingale said ," The mind moves in the direction of our currently dominant thoughts . "

  4. 曾经,我也这样认为,认为在这样物欲的城市,开始迷失心的方向,变的麻木,变得没有太多情感。

    There was once a time when I also deemed that we began to lose our direction and become numb without too much affection in this material-flooding world .

  5. 理解概念法(concept)和究竟真实法(ultimaterealities)的差别,对禅修者很重要,因为从概念法到究竟法,这是禅修者必须引导自心所走的方向。

    It is important that the meditator understands the difference between " concept " and " ultimate realities ," because it is the direction which he will have to lead his mind & from concepts to realities .

  6. 按照心指引你的方向去做,因为那才是你自己的路。

    Do as what your heart tells you because that is your own way .

  7. 在心的扉页上,写满了无数个梦的憧憬;当你追寻心的方向,我的祝福,是窗外的一片蓝天

    In the heart of title page , write full of countless dream , When you pursue heart direction , my blessing , is the window of blue sky