
shǎn ɡuānɡ dàn
  • flash bomb
  1. 那我想闪光弹也不行了。

    So I guess a flashbang GRE out of the question .

  2. 那我该咋办射个闪光弹告诉你吗

    What was I supposedto do - fire off a flare ?

  3. 你把预警闪光弹装得太密了,埃尔戊。

    You set the security flares too close , elwood .

  4. 如果我把闪光弹用在朋友们身上会怎么样?

    What happens if I try and flash my friends ?

  5. “闪光弹”冷却时间增加20秒,持续时间亦相应增加20秒。

    " Flare " cooldown increased to20 seconds , and duration reduced to20 seconds .

  6. 我们做个小闪光弹。

    We have a little flashbang .

  7. 愤怒的人群向执法人员扔玻璃瓶,警方则回之以催泪瓦斯和闪光弹驱散人群。

    Angry crowds throwing bottles at law enforcement and police firing tear gas and flash bangs to disperse them .

  8. 密苏里州弗格森警方利用噪音器、催泪瓦斯和闪光弹驱散并阻止示威者的聚集。

    Officers deployed noisemakers and fired tear gas and flash grenades in Ferguson , Missouri in an effort to keep protesters moving and not congregating .

  9. 催泪瓦斯有着和闪光弹相类似的效果,就是为了杀死敌人而使敌人丧失抵抗能力。

    The tear gas grenade is similar to the flashbang in its intended result , that being to incapacitate an enemy in order to kill him .