
  • 网络fibular head;head of fibula
  1. 结果:膝下外侧动脉始于动脉,起点距腓骨头尖上方(1.9±0.7)cm,起始部外径(1.7±0.3)mm。

    Results : The inferior lateral genicular artery originated from popliteal artery ( 1.9 ± 0.7 ) cm above the tip level of fibular head , with its diameter of ( 1.7 ± 0.3 ) mm .

  2. 结果:在各组数据中,外侧关节间隙宽度和腓骨头高度在外侧盘状半月板组和对照组间有显著性差异(p0.01)。

    Results : Among these dimensions , widened lateral joint space and high fibular head show statistical signification differences between the discoid lateral meniscus group and the control group ( p0.01 ) .

  3. 设外踝最突出点为A点,胫骨粗隆与腓骨头连线的中点为B点。

    The projecting point of the lateral malleolus and the middle point between the tuberosity of tibia and head of fibula were supposed point A and B respectively .

  4. 目的:测量胫骨内侧平台最低点至腓骨头(FH)尖端高度的差距(DPF),为全膝关节置换术(TKA)胫骨假体(TP)设计及胫骨平台截骨提供参数。

    Objective : To measure the difference between medial tibial plateau and fibular head ( DPF ) and provide parameters for tibial osteotomy in total knee replacement ( TKA ) and the tibial prosthesis ( TP ) design .

  5. 腓骨头血供的应用解剖学

    Applied Anatomical Study of Blood Supply of the Head of Fibula

  6. 运用三维摄影测量腓骨头关节面形态及其意义

    The shape of the fibula head under three dimension photogrammetry

  7. 右腓骨头左足楔骨骨巨细胞瘤1例

    A case of osteoclastoma of right fibula head and left cuneiform bone

  8. 结论腓骨头与外踝较为相似。

    Conclusion Fibular head is similar to lateral malleolus .

  9. 膝下外侧动脉蒂腓骨头骨骺皮瓣的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of fibular head epiphysis flap pedicled with inferior lateral genicular artery

  10. 带血管蒂腓骨头移植重建内外踝的解剖学基础

    The anatomic basis of transplantation of vascularized fibular head for rebuilding medial and lateral malleolus

  11. 基于人体运动学的腓骨头关节面倾斜度测量研究

    Measurement of the Joint Inclination of the Upper End of Fibula on the Basis of Human Kinematics

  12. 以膝下外动脉为蒂的腓骨头骨骺移植,血供丰富。

    The blood supply of proximal fibular epiphysis pedicled only with lateral inferior genicular artery was enough .

  13. 带血管蒂腓骨头移植代替桡骨远端重建腕关节疗效观察

    Observation of reconstruction of wrist joint by replacement of distal end of radius with vascularized fibular head

  14. 华南地区成人胫骨平台内侧与腓骨头高度差距及其临床意义

    Altitude difference between medial tibial plateau and fibular head of adults in southern China and its clinical significance

  15. 腓骨头与关节面间距在全膝关节置换中的意义

    Distance between fibular head and articular surface of tibial plateau and its clinical significance in total knee arthroplasty

  16. 结论应用腓骨头替代桡骨远端重建腕关节是合适的;

    Conclusion It is suitable to use the head of fibular bone as a substitute for the distal radius .

  17. 腓骨头与桡骨腕关节面形态学比较

    The morphologic comparision of the carpal articular surface of radius with the caput of fibula A study on fibula

  18. 带监测皮岛的腓骨头移植修复肱骨头缺损重建肩关节

    Caput fibular grafts with monitoring - flap used to treat caput humeral big bone defect and reconstruct shoulder joint

  19. 吻合血管带腓骨头腓骨移植重建肩腕关节

    Limb Salvage Surgery for Shoulder or Wrist in Bone Tumor by using Free Vascularised Fibular Graft with Fibular Head

  20. 胫前动脉分支供养腓骨头的解剖学研究及其临床意义

    Blood supply of the fibular head derived from the branches of anterior tibial artery : anatomical research and its clinical significance

  21. 方法:在60根成人干燥胫腓骨标本上,对腓骨头和内外踝进行形态学测量。

    Methods : Figures of fibular head , medial and lateral malleolus were measured on 60 adult dry specimens of tibia and fibula .

  22. 如果外侧关节间隙宽度为阳性和腓骨头高为阳性,则敏感度可达87%。

    If either the height of the fibular head and the lateral joint space is positive , the sensitivity is increased to 87 % .

  23. 结果表明,残肢的受力主要分布在髌韧带、胫骨内突、胫骨前脊、胫骨远端、腓骨头及腓骨远端。

    The result indicates that the patellar tendon , lateral femoral condyle , tibia crest , tibia end , fibular head and fibular end are primarily stressed .

  24. 目的:探讨带监测皮岛的腓骨头移植修复肱骨头缺损重建肩关节的可行性与临床价值。

    Objective : To study the treatment of caput humeral big bone-defect and the reconstruction of shoulder joint by the caput fibular grafts with monitoring-flap by microvascular anastomosis .

  25. 皮支的穿出点大多(76%)在腓骨头最凸点下方7~21cm范围。

    The perforating points of the cutaneous branches were mostly ( 76 % cases ) appeared within 7 ~ 21 cm length below the protruding point of head of fibula .

  26. 目的比较腓骨头与桡骨腕关节面形态,为用腓骨头移植替代桡骨远端重建腕关节手术提供理论依据。

    To compare the shape the carpal articular surface of radius with that of the capitulum fibulae to provide the basis for reconstruction of wrist joint with the caput of fibula .

  27. 结论带血管蒂腓骨头移植代替桡骨远端重建腕关节可较好地保留腕关节的功能,是一种安全有效的方法。

    Conclusion Replacement of distal end of radius with fibular head to reconstruct wrist joint can restore function of carpal joint , which is proved to be a safe and effective method .

  28. 方法:采用吻合血管带腓骨头的腓骨移植重建10例肱骨头周,5例桡骨远端骨肿瘤瘤段切除术后的肩、腕关节。

    Method : Use free vascularised fibular grafts with fibular head as substitutes for reconstruction and limb salvage after resection for bone tumor occur on 10 proximal humerus and 5 distal radius .

  29. 方法:对13例因肿瘤或创伤致肱骨头缺损病例,用带监测皮岛的腓骨头移植修复肱骨头缺损并重建肩关节。

    Methods : Thirteen cases of caput humeral big bone-defect with bone tumors or trauma were treated and the shoulder joints were reconstructed by the caput fibular grafts with monitoring-flap by microvascular anastomosis .

  30. 方法对4例因肱骨近端肿瘤行瘤段骨切除、含腓骨头腓骨上段移植患者术后不同时段的临床和X线片表现进行分析。

    Methods The clinical symptoms and X ray plane film manifestation in different time section of 4 patients were analysed after the tumor segmental resection and fibula with fibula head replace for the tumor of proximal humerus .