
  • 网络Adjusting the controller;plc
  1. 该设计方案基于Java虚拟机的运行机制,将控制软件嵌入到HTML语言中,使异地用户可以访问现场数据,调节控制器参数,从而达到远程控制的目的。

    Base on Java Virtual Machine , the software of control is embedded into HTML , Strange land user can access on - the - spot data , and regulate parameters of controller to realize remote control .

  2. 该方法通过模糊系统的输出在线修正内模PID控制器比例作用部分设定值的加权系数及人工调节控制器的滤波器系数,使系统的目标值跟踪特性和干扰抑制特性均得到明显的改善。

    The set-point weight of the proportional part acted on the IMC-PID controller is modified online by intelligent method , and the filter coefficient of a controller is manually adjusted , so the command tracking and the disturbance rejection are greatly improved .

  3. 现场工作人员经常在程序变量和设定都是1V,而不是在它们都是5V时,调节控制器输出为恒值。

    Often , the field operator could adjust the controllers for constant output when the process variable and setpoint were both equal to1V but not when they were both equal to5V .

  4. 通过分析典型大时变时滞工业过程的特性,提出了一种新的数字PII鲁棒调节控制器的设计方法。

    A new design method of digital PII robust adjusting controller for a general process control system with large time varying time delay is developed by studying its properties .

  5. 对时滞系统纯滞后环节一阶Pade逼近后,由内模整定得到PID控制器的参数整定值,再应用Adaline人工神经网络动态获取被控对象的增益,从而自动调节控制器的比例系数。

    The IMC tuning parameters of PID controller are obtained by approximating the time-delay of system with first-order Pade formula and the gain of the controlled object is identified via Adaline artificial neutral network to adjust the proportion coefficient of PID controller .

  6. 医用氧气袋氧气流量调节控制器的研制

    Manufacture of oxygen flow controller for medical oxygen bag

  7. 通过调节控制器的控制参数,可以使控制系统在有较佳表现的同时拥有较强的鲁棒性。

    Adjusting the parameters of controller can achieve abetter performance and stronger robustness .

  8. 新型连续无功调节控制器的研制

    The Development of Controller for Continuous Reactive Power Compensation

  9. 电弧炉电极调节控制器的设计与仿真

    Design & Simulation on Controller of Electrode Regulator System of Electric arc Furnace

  10. 文中得到的调节控制器具有量测输出反馈的解析形式。

    The controller obtained in the paper possesses the analytical form of measurement-output feedback .

  11. 对于非线性系统提出一种故障调节控制器的设计方法,通过修正控制律补偿故障所带来的影响。

    A fault-accommodation controller is presented for a class of nonlinear systems using neural networks approach .

  12. 可手动自动调节控制器主、从轴的相位或相对位置。

    Manual and automatic facilities to adjust the phase or relative position between Master and Slave .

  13. 模糊自适应算法能自动调节控制器参数,从而适应非线性和时变的经纱张力系统控制要求。

    Fuzzy auto-adaptive arithmetic tunes the parameter of controller automatically to settle the difficult problem of warp tension control system .

  14. 并设计了基于遗传算法的前馈调节控制器,编写了控制器程序。

    A sampling feed forward controller on the basis of genetic algorithm ( GA ) is designed and written using programming language .

  15. 通过调节控制器中的重力场参数,使机器人能达到理想的行走速度,从而实现了高速行走。

    By adjusting the gravity field parameter of controller , the biped robot can achieve the desired walking speed and have high-speed walking .

  16. 结果表明,通过调节控制器的输入输出比例常数,能够达到较为理想的控制效果。

    The results indicate that , through regulate the input and output scale constants of controller , some ideal controlling purpose could be reached .

  17. 板式换热器和温度自动在线监测调节控制器,克服了泡豆受季节影响大、时间长、生产效率低的缺点;

    Plate-type heat exchangers and automatic online temperature monitor and control devices eliminates fluctuations of dipping process in different seasons and over time , and improves productivity .

  18. 结果表明,基于温度预测模型的热源系统自调节控制器能够良好运转,与传统控制方法相比较,具有更好的操作性能,能够实现建筑节能的目的。

    The results show that the adaptive controller behaves well , has better characteristics in operating compared with conventional control methods and can be used for energy efficiency in buildings .

  19. 考虑到水下潜器的非线性强耦合等特点,并且水动力参数不容易获取,不可能手动调节控制器参数。传统控制方法的受控对象多为线性系统,在这里很难满足要求。

    Considering the underwater vehicle itself is a system which is nonlinear and strong coupled and the hydrodynamic parameters is difficult to get , which increases the complexity of its control .

  20. 仿真结果表明本文所论述的电极调节控制器能更有效的减小三相电极之间的耦合作用,并抑制了系统干扰。

    It takes conclusion from simulation that the electrode adjusting control regulator , which illustrated in this paper can minish the coupling among the three electrodes and restrain the system disturbances .

  21. 该控制器是在典型推断控制的基础上进行简化和改进,并用模糊逻辑和推理来自适应地调节控制器的滤波器时间常数。

    The controller is derived from the simplification and improvement of the typical inferential controller , and in which fuzzy logic and inference are used to adjust its filter time constant adaptively .

  22. T法模型参考自适应控制原理,提出了一种自适应控制算法和增益可调节控制器,特别适合于位置伺服系统的控制。

    T reference model adaptive control principle , it puts forward an algorithm of adaptive control and a gain adjustable controller . They are very suitable for the control of position servo system .

  23. 一方面,考虑时变失效和非参数化时变卡死故障的容错问题,利用自适应方法在线调节控制器,补偿故障带来的影响,并且使系统针对有界扰动有干扰抑制能力。

    On one hand , the thesis considers actuator faults of loss effectiveness and unparameterized time-varying stuck fault , and uses of an adaptive method adjustment controller on line to compensate fault effect , meanwhile to make the system capable of disturbance rejection .

  24. 在第二种方案中采用混合式自适应控制,采用一种新的参数估计器,利用参数估计结果在离散时刻调节控制器参数。

    The hybrid adaptive control system is used in the second design scheme . A new parameter estimator is used to determine the parameters of the main transfer function of the controlled plant . The parameters of the controller are adjusted at discrete instants by using the estimation results .

  25. 分别对参数自调节模糊控制器和BP神经网络控制器做出了数学解释;

    A parameter self-correction fuzzy controller and a neural network controller are mathematically interpreted ;

  26. 在已有的控制系统中嵌入了神经网络控制算法,用以调节PID控制器的三个可调参数Kp,KI,KD。

    Neural network arithmetic embedded in the already control system is used to control three parameters KP , KI , KD .

  27. 运用MATLAB编程,调节PID控制器的相关参数,减小吊物系统的动力响应,实现对吊物的主动控制。

    Using MATLAB programming , adjust the relevant parameters of the PID controller , reduce the dynamic response of the hanging object system , and achieve the active control to the hanging object .

  28. 由于干燥系统具有非线性和滞后性,根据系统的运行状态,应用BP神经网络调节PID控制器的参数,以期达到干燥控制性能指标的最优化。

    According to the operation state of the system , BP nerve network is employed to regulate the parameter of PID controller to reach the optimization in the nonlinear and sluggish time-lag dry system .

  29. 基于该理论,成功地设计出用于控制同步发电机的电压快速达到同步条件的自调节AVR控制器。

    Based on this theory , a self-regulating AVR regulator is designed for the synchronous generator to be synchronized with the existed power system very quickly .

  30. 本系统采用模糊PID复合式自适应控制器,通过模糊控制运算结果来调节PID控制器的放大系数KP始终在理想的范围内,从而使控制系统达到对结晶器液位控制的要求。

    The Fuzzy-PID compound adaptive controller is adopted in this system . By analyzing the operation result of fuzzy control the K_P can keep in an ideal area so the requirement of control system for the mould level can be satisfying .