
tiáo jiě yuán
  • mediator;conciliator
  1. 此外,王书燐是马来西亚建筑业发展局注册(CIDB)调解员,并曾主理调解及仲裁个案及提供专业证人服务。

    In addition , he is an Accredited Mediator with the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia ( CIDB ), and has handled mediation and arbitration cases and provided expert witness services .

  2. 我们支持联合国调解员的调节工作。

    We support the mediation process by the A.U. - U.N. mediator .

  3. 联合国调解员在双方之间进行穿梭外交。

    UN mediators are conducting shuttle diplomacy between the two sides .

  4. 纽约离婚指导师卡伦·麦克马洪表示:“指导行业正处于发展初期,而离婚指导行业则还处于萌芽期。”从业者拥有各种各样的背景,包括理财规划师、治疗师和调解员。

    Karen McMahon , a divorce coach in New York , says : " Coaching is in its infancy4 and divorce coaching is embryonic5 . " Practitioners6 come from a range of backgrounds , including financial planners , therapists and mediators .

  5. 当我发现提姆·路塞特,前MeetthePress节目的调解员,在谈论我的写作。

    And when I realized that Tim Russert , former moderator of " Meet the Press , " was talking about my writing ,

  6. 纽约离婚指导师卡伦麦克马洪(KarenMcMahon)表示:“指导行业正处于发展初期,而离婚指导行业则还处于萌芽期。”从业者拥有各种各样的背景,包括理财规划师、治疗师和调解员。

    Karen McMahon , a divorce coach in New York , says : " Coaching is in its and divorce coaching is embryon . " Practitioners come from a range of backgrounds , including financial planners , therapists and mediators .

  7. 调解员能提出一个双方都能接受的折中办法吗?

    Can mediators produce a compromise that is agreeable to both sides ?

  8. 其次,保证调解员的专业性和权威性。

    Second , ensure the mediator professional and authority .

  9. 论人民调解员的职业化

    On the Professionalization of the People 's Mediators

  10. 这次谈判的调解员是南部非洲发展共同体指派的南非总统姆贝基。

    The talks are being negotiated by SADC-appointed mediator President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa .

  11. 调解员和各方当事人通常会签订一份协议书,指明各方负有不得披露的责任。

    Both the mediator and the participants often sign an agreement with express obligations of non-disclosure .

  12. 合理设置调解员选任程序、回避程序和参加庭审程序;

    The procedure about choice of the mediators , challenge and hearing should be established reasonably .

  13. 调解员及会议室服务将全收取已预订但时间未用完的费用。

    The Mediator and the Conference Room Service will charge fully for any unused time reserved .

  14. 他们希望赢,不会听调解员说可能会输。

    They hope to win , but will listen the mediator says you are likely to lose .

  15. 联合国巴勒斯坦问题调解员

    United Nations Mediator on Palestine

  16. 巴勒斯坦问题代理调解员

    Acting Mediator on Palestine

  17. 凉山民间调解员、陪审员队伍如今已成为一支生力军,为大调解工作注入了新的活力。

    Liangshan folk mediators , jury team now has become a force for big mediation new vigor into the work .

  18. 调解员表示双方已经在这一问题的原则上成了一项协议,但没有透露具体细节。

    Mediator say both paries have reached an agreement , in principle over that issue , but not giving details .

  19. 最后,电话公司派出一位最富经验、技巧的「调解员」,去拜访这位不讲理的客人。

    At last , one of the company 's most skillful " trouble-shooters " was sent to interview this stormy petrel .

  20. 要使调解程序更好地处理争议,强化调解员队伍建设,不断提高调解员的素质才是可行之道。

    To make conciliation proceedings resolve dispute better , improve the quality of mediators , strengthen the adjuster team is feasible path .

  21. 这几乎花了我两年时间,但这件事变成了我从事矛盾调解员这个职业的发展起点和真正的鼓舞。

    It took me almost two years , but it became the springboard and true inspiration for my career as a conflict mediator .

  22. 当事人从调解工作室提供的调解人名册中协商选择调解员主持调解。

    The interested party chooses the mediation mediating a host from consulting in the register mediating the bridge builder that the workroom provides .

  23. 随着一位联邦调解员宣布一个新的工会合同谈判取得进展,旧金山港湾区的通勤列车将于周二开始运行。

    San Francisco Bay Area commuter trains will run Tuesday as a federal mediator reports progross in talks over a new union contract .

  24. 联邦调解员表示,他们已经制定出一份实验性的协议,解决东海岸15个港口的码头工人和经营者之间的问题。

    Federal mediators say they 've worked out a tentative agreement between longshoreman and the operators of fifteen ports along the east coast .

  25. 法院选聘社会人士组成特邀调解员,接受法院委托进行调解。

    Court selections engages the society personage is composed of the member who specially invites mediation , accept commission of court carrying out mediation .

  26. 人民调解员进法院的社会学思考&对法院附设调解机构的分析与展望

    A Sociological Perspective to Participation of People 's Mediators in Juridical Affairs & An Analysis and Prospect on Mediation Establishments Affiliated to the Courts

  27. 若当事方对调解结果没有正式提出任何异议,调解员作出的裁决具有法律拘束力。

    If there are no objections from the parties , the decision made by the mediator will be equally authentic as a judicial judgment .

  28. 既可以由特邀调解员主持,也可以在法院主持下,由特邀调解员协助调解;

    The specially invited mediator may preside over the mediation work , or offer assistance to the mediation work presided over by the court .

  29. 莱克-卡罗尔认为,必要情况下,邀请另一个人介入可能值得一试,朋友、家人或专业的家庭调解员皆可。

    If necessary , remarks Lake-Carroll , it might be worth involving another person – a friend , family member or a professional family mediator .

  30. 因此,即使各方当事人同意可在调解程序以外提述所涉及的事宜,但调解员仍可强制执行保密条文。

    As a result , even if the parties agree that matters can be referred to outside the mediation , the mediator can enforce the confidentiality provision .