
  • 网络tuned oscillator
  1. 同轴腔变容管调谐振荡器

    Coaxial Cavity Varactors Tuned Oscillator

  2. 毫米波双变容管调谐振荡器

    Mm-wave double varactors tuned oscillator

  3. YIG调谐振荡器(YIO)可靠性增长与评估技术

    Growing of Reliability and Its Evaluation Technique of YIG - Tuned Oscilators

  4. 对共基极YIG调谐振荡器的起振条件,在简化假定下作了讨论,求出最大可调频宽时基极电感最佳值。

    Under a simple hypothesis , the conditions of oscillation for the common base YIG-tuned oscillator are discussed , and the optimal inductance of the base is found when the tuned band-width is the maximum .

  5. 调频式谐振特高压试验电源电压及频率的控制方法宽带电压调谐振荡器

    Control Methods for Voltage and Frequency of UHV Frequency-tuned Resonant Test Power Supply

  6. 频带展宽可变电容器宽带电压调谐振荡器

    Spread variable capacitor wide-band voltage tunable oscillator

  7. 宽带电压调谐振荡器谐振时电阻为零,电纳无穷大的电感-电容电路。

    Wide-band voltage tunable oscillator Inductance-capacitance circuit having zero reactance , infinite susceptance at resonance .

  8. 石英晶体调谐振荡器

    Quartz crystal concord-modulation oscillator

  9. 压带电磁线圈驱动器宽带电压调谐振荡器

    Wide-band voltage tunable oscillator

  10. 65~82GHz宽带机械调谐Gunn振荡器

    65 ~ 82 GHz wideband mechanically tunable Gunn oscillator

  11. CX双波段YIG调谐FET振荡器设计

    Design of YIG-Tuned FET Oscillator Covering CX Double-Band

  12. 4~20GHz超宽带YIG调谐FET振荡器CAD计算和实验分析

    CAD Calculation and Experiment Analyses of an Ultra Broad Band YIG Tuned FET Oscillator Covering 4 ~ 20GHz

  13. 采用双耦合YIG谐振子和单元化设计技术,设计了一种CX双波段YIG调谐FET振荡器。

    An YIG - tunned FET oscillator covering CX double-band have been designed using dual coupling YIG resonator and unitized design technology .

  14. 依据电调基频、提取谐波的构想,建立了串联型宽带变容管电调谐波振荡器的电路模型。

    On the basis of the principle of " electronically tuning fundamental frequency and extracting second harmonic ", this paper proposes a circuit model for wideband series varactor tuned harmonic oscillators .

  15. 变容二极管调谐体效应振荡器的CAD

    CAD Of Varactor - Tuned Gunn Diode Oscillator

  16. W波段宽带机械调谐体效应振荡器

    W-band Gunn oscillators with wide mechanical tuning range

  17. 用脉冲可调谐光参量振荡器作光源,使用光程长达1km的8m长吸收池,采用分时复用的单探测器探测方法,组成测量系统,测量了一系列高分辨率的模拟和实际大气的吸收光谱。

    The high-resolution absorption spectra of real and simulated atmosphere were recorded by using an experimental system , which includes a tunable pulsed OPO , an 8 m base-length white cell with optical length of 1 km , and a time-division multiplexing detector system .

  18. 一种微波集成宽带变容管调谐体效应振荡器的设计

    A microwave integrated circuit design of wideband varactor tuned bulk effect oscillator

  19. 基于镁掺杂的周期性畴反转铌酸锂的宽调谐光参量振荡器

    Widely tunable optical parametric oscillators base on periodically poled MgO doped LiNbO_3

  20. 角度调谐光学参量振荡器的研究。

    Angle - tuned of OPO .

  21. 变容二极管调谐压控振荡器的非线性压控特性一般都比较严重,尤其是在宽频带进行调谐时更是如此。

    The varactor-tuned voltage control oscillator generally has a quite nonlinear tuning char - acteristic , especially when tuned over a wide frequency range .

  22. 切换式调谐CMOS压控振荡器

    A Switched-Tuning CMOS VCO

  23. LiNbO3电光调谐光学参变振荡器

    LiNbO_3 Electrooptic Tuning Optical Parametric Oscillator

  24. 基于受激电磁耦子散射的可调谐THz波参量振荡器(TPO)具有效率高、相干性好、可调谐、窄线宽、结构紧凑、室温运转等特点。

    THz-wave parametric oscillator ( TPO ) based on stimulated polariton scattering has many advantages , such as high efficient , coherent , tuning , narrow linewidth , compactness and room temperature operation .

  25. Ku波段电调谐介质稳频振荡器的设计,通过计算机软件对振荡电路及其相位噪声性能进行了详细的分析,优化设计了反射型DRO电路并进行了测试。

    Secondly , a Ku-band Vt-DRO is designed . Oscillator and its phase noise performance are elaborately analyzed by ADS software , which is also used to optimize DRO circuit .

  26. 新颖宽调谐环形压控振荡器中间级分的分子量分布较宽。

    A Novel Voltage Controlled Ring Oscillator with Wide Tunning Range The molecular weight distribution of intermediate is wider .