
  • 网络frequency modulator;Tuner
  1. 一款带有手印功能和调频器MD,这款机型使用如此的便利以至于你能够带出它到任何地方。

    The MD Walkman with a radio and tuner is so convenient that it can be taken with you anywhere .

  2. 拜数位电视调频器之赐,无论你晃荡到何处,都能观看你最喜欢看的电视节目。

    You 'll be able to watch your favorite TV shows wherever you roam thanks to the internal digital TV tuner .

  3. 多谐振荡器式调频器微波谐振腔谐振频率实时测量系统的实现

    The Realization of Real-Time Measurement System for the Resonant Frequency of Microwave Cavity

  4. 锁相频率合成式立体声调频器的分析与设计

    The analysis and design of stereo frequency modulator with phase-locked frequency synthesis method

  5. 录像机的多谐振荡式调频器分析

    Analysis of Multivibrator-Type Frequency Modulator Used in VTR

  6. 如果一支球队没有在我的数字调频器的工具将随机数。

    If a team doesn ´ t have player numbers in FM my tool will give random numbers .

  7. 如此,为那些没有计划购买的调频器,它可以不需要集合替换。

    So , for those who has no plan to purchase the Tuner , it may not need to replace the set .

  8. 介绍一种可调制移频的多制式数字调频器,它不但适用于多用户网络之间的计算机通讯,还可提高计算机网络的工作效率。

    A multi-mode digital frequency-modulated modulator capable of shifting the modulated frequency band is described , which is suitable for computer communication between multi-user internet , can improves the efficiency of computer network .

  9. 通过控制面板我们可以对硬件如键盘,鼠标,打印机和调频解调器进行设置。

    From the Control Panel , you can access hardware settings for the keyboard , mouse , printers and modem ;

  10. 因此,本文通过对轴系纵向振动的研究,提出一系列的减振措施,并针对某船舶轴系进行动力调频减振器的设计。

    Therefore , throughout the study of shaft longitudinal vibration , this study puts forward a series of vibration reduction measures and designs a resonance changer for one shafting .

  11. 本文主要研究液体调频减振器(TunedLiquidDampers)对结构振动的控制,通过对结构的简化,并采用振型分解法和时程分析相结合的方法,对结构进行动力分析和振动控制效果计算。

    This paper studies on tuned liquid dampers for the control of structural vibration . The tower or mast structure is simplified and analysed based on the vibration mode resolving method and the time domain analysis .

  12. 根据主动式动力吸振器的结构、原理、应用范围和作用方式,提出了一种可调频吸振器的设计方案。

    Base on the structure , principle , application scope and mode of action of active vibration absorber , a kind of design scheme of vibration absorber is proposed .

  13. 伪码时钟调频非相干解调器的研究一种用于计算机通信的解调器

    Analysis of Noncoherent Demodulator for PN Code Signals with Clock Frequency Modulation

  14. 调频准谐振变换器系统的非线性全阶建模及符号分析法

    Full-Order Nonlinear Modeling and Symbolic Analysis of Frequency Modulation Quasi-Resonant Switching Converters

  15. 调频调宽式斩波器光参量振荡器的复合腔调频

    Tuning of an Optical Parametric Oscillator Using a Compound Cavity

  16. 再生限幅式调频门限扩展解调器

    Threshold extension FM demodulator using regenerative feedback limiter

  17. 提出了调频准谐振变换器的降阶及全阶模型(第七章)。

    A reduced-order model and a full-order circuit model for frequency modulation ( FM ) quasi-resonant converters ( QRC ) are introduced .

  18. 针对第二个问题,通过各方面分析比较,本文采用了目前在土木工程的高耸结构上用得比较多的质量调频阻尼器&TMD减振器。

    As to the second question , every possible factors have been analyzed and compared . Consequently , the tuned mass damper-TMD which applied in many towering structures of civil engineering is adopted .