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  1. 穴位敷贴疗法作为祖国传统医学特色疗法中的一种,是指将膏药或用各种液体调和药末而成的膏剂,敷贴于一定的穴位或患部以治疗疾病的方法。

    Therapy of point sticking is as one of Chinese traditional therapeutics . It put plaster on point or affected part .

  2. 中药感冒冲剂,清热解毒。使:调和众药药性,或引药的作用,或解毒,或增疗效。

    Make : Harmonic numerous medicine property of a medicine , or the effect that cites drug , or alexipharmic , or add curative effect .

  3. 对《中药药理学》教材中用中药功效进行中药药理分类的商榷使:调和众药药性,或引药的作用,或解毒,或增疗效。

    Deliberation on Classification of Herbal Pharmacology Based on the Action in the Textbook of " Herbal Pharmacology " Make : Harmonic numerous medicine property of a medicine , or the effect that cites drug , or alexipharmic , or add curative effect .