
  1. 周仲瑛教授临证思辨特点概要(续)

    Professor ZHOU Zhong-ying 's Characteristics in Clinical Syndrome Differentiation ( 2 )

  2. 研究周仲瑛瘀热学说的思路与方法

    Study on ideas and methods of ' stagnated heat ' theory of ZHOU Zhong-ying

  3. 层次聚类法对周仲瑛哮喘病案方药量效关系的研究

    Effect of Hierarchical Method on Dosage-effect Relation in Prescriptions of ZHOU Zhong-ying for Treating Asthma

  4. 周仲瑛教授是全国著名的中医药专家、国医大师。

    Professor Zhou Zhong-ying is a famous expert of traditional Chinese medicine , Chinese medicine master .

  5. 探讨全国著名老中医周仲瑛教授对慢性肝病湿热瘀毒证治经验。

    To study on Professor Zhou Zhongying s experience of treating dampness-heat-blood-stasis-toxin syndrome of chronic hepatic diseases .

  6. 本论文是在周仲瑛教授构建该体系的学术思想指导下完成的。

    This thesis is completed under the guidance of Professor Zhou and his academic thoughts of the new system construction .

  7. 审证求机知常达变&周仲瑛教授谈中医临床辨证的思路与方法舌象有别,凭舌审证为其证候特征。

    Flexible Analysis of Pathogenesis in Syndrome Differentiation & Prof. Zhou Zhong-ying 's Talk about Syndrome Differentiation having different tongue pictures .

  8. 周仲瑛教授就非典型肺炎的病因病机、发展演变、辨证处方、预防等方面提出了独特的见解。

    Professor ZHOU Zhong-ying has put forward his distinctive opinions on the pathogenesis , development , treatment and prevention of SARS .