
  1. 我们上周定的ES-37,哪天能出货?

    What 's the dispatch date for the ES-37 we ordered last week ?

  2. 我祖父母的结婚纪念日是在哪天?我们上周定的ES-37,哪天能出货?

    When is your grandfathers ' wedding anniversary ? What 's the dispatch date for the ES-37 we ordered last week ?

  3. 周定公与召穆公让公子静登基,是为周宣王。

    The Dukes of Zhou and Shao had Prince Jing enthroned as King Xuan .

  4. 公元前606年,楚庄王率军至雒邑的郊外,周定王被迫派人为他举行慰劳欢迎之礼。

    In 606 B. C. King Zhuang headed troops arriving at the outskirts of Luoyi , and King Ding of Zhou was forced to hold ritual of consolation for him .

  5. 从沟通的方式到办公的时间,第一周就会定下基调。

    From communication style to office hours , that first week sets the tone .

  6. 内战期间,林肯总统将十一月最后一个周的周四定为全国性的节日。

    And in the midst of the Civil War , President Lincoln made the last Thursday in November a national holiday .

  7. 他们的选举意向非常易变:在2009年的德国选举中,一半无党派选民说,他们在选举的最后一周才拿定主意选谁。

    Their voting preferences are very fluid : in the 2009 German election , half of apartisan voters said they settled on their vote only in the last week of the campaign .

  8. 试验分析研究冷应激环境下和维生素C(VC)的添加量对12~17周龄笼养金定育成蛋鸭生长发育及血液生化指标产生的影响。

    Analysis of cold stress test environment and vitamin C ( VC ) of the addition on 12-17 week-old duck rearing cage was set and blood biochemical growth and development of the impact of target .

  9. 我希望你这周能把那些定下来。

    I want those nailed down by the end of the week .

  10. 结果:将发病2周以内手术者定为早期手术,2周以后手术者为晚期手术。

    Results : The early operation was defined that the surgery was performed in 2 weeks since onset , and the late operation was defined after 2 weeks .

  11. 欧盟委员会已向市场保证,欧盟已做好充分的准备应对这样的结果。但是,测试结果的不确定性可能导致欧元在未来几周里涨跌不定。

    The EC has reassured the markets that the EU is well prepared to deal with this situation , but uncertainty over the results could leave the EUR unsettled in the coming weeks .