
  • 网络Cycle Budget;Cyclical budget
  1. 仅仅测试就可能花费掉应用程序维护周期预算的一半。

    Testing alone can consume half the budget for an application maintenance cycle .

  2. 当前,应对地方预算管理改革中的主要模式之一&标准周期预算管理制度进行分析探讨,并结合天津市此项改革的实际进行研究,为今后地方预算管理改革提供一个明确的思路。

    Now we should analyse and discuss one of major pattern in local budget management & standard period budget management system , and combination the Tianjin 's reality carries out research , offers a definite thinking for the future local budget management reform .

  3. 客户希望牢牢控制项目的周期和预算。

    Clients wanted tightly controlled project timelines and budgets .

  4. 在现阶段高等学校预算在预算体制、编制方法、编制周期、预算控制等方面都存在一定的问题。

    Currently , University budget system still exist some problems at the aspects of the preparation methods , preparation cycle , budget control .

  5. 研究产品寿命周期的预算管理模式,确定不同阶段的财务管理的重点,有助于企业协调处理各部门和各阶段的财务管理关系,确保总目标的实现。

    Studying the budget management mode of product 's lifespan period and establishing the importance of financial management in different stages to help to enterprise in harmony deal with the relation of financial management between every department and every stage , and it will assure to realize overall target .

  6. 产品寿命周期与财务预算模式的确定

    The confirmation of product 's lifespan period and of financial budget mode

  7. 本文所提出的,调整现行预算周期、将预算外资金取消、建立资产管理与预算管理数据资源共享平台等都具有创新意义。

    This paper , adjust the current budget cycle , will establish the cancellation non-budgetary funds , establish asset management and budget management data resource sharing platform has innovation sense .

  8. 首先,指出财务战略实施的基础是财务预算,将企业生命周期不同阶段财务预算管理模式。

    First , pointed out that financial strategy implementation is based on financial budget , will enterprise life cycle of financial budget management mode of different stages .

  9. 根据原料、产品市场预测及规划周期内的投资预算,建立了以规划周期内净现值为目标的模型,能准确测算投资回报。

    In accordance with the market supply and demand of raw materials and products together with the investment budget of the planning cycle , a long term planning model was established aiming at the net present value .

  10. 通过生命周期法确定企业预算管理的重点,对于多元化经营的企业集团,由于各个产业之间的互动关系,往往有生命周期淡化的特点,这种方法就显得不是十分适宜。

    Confirming the overall budget management emphases through lifecycle method , it 's unfit for enterprise group which deals in different fields , because these deals in different fields can effect each other , and make it 's hard to distinguish the enterprise group 's lifecycle .