
zhōu bào
  • weekly;weekly publication
周报 [zhōu bào]
  • [weekly;weekly publication] 按周出版的报纸

  • 科技周报

周报[zhōu bào]
  1. 阿拉斯加的周报《苔原时报》本周停刊了。

    The Tundra Times , a weekly newspaper in Alaska , ceased publication this week .

  2. 他经常在早上读周报。

    He often reads weekly newspapers in the morning .

  3. 4份全国性日报中有两份将改为周报。

    Two of the four national daily papers are to become weeklies .

  4. 《北京周报》是周刊。

    Beijing Review is published weekly .

  5. 就去问问周报的编辑

    Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper .

  6. Q:我读了商务周报上你们CEO给编辑的信。

    Q : I read your CEO 's letter to the editor in Business Week .

  7. 二战结束后,布拉德利和一群朋友创办了周报《新罕布什尔周日新闻》(TheNewHampshireSundayNews)。

    After the war , Mr. Bradlee and a group of friends started The New Hampshire Sunday News , a weekly .

  8. 或《查理周报》(CharlieHebdo)的报社员工;

    or the newspaper staff of Charlie Hebdo ;

  9. 该系统将实现IBoard规范中的公告板、告示贴、联系记录、工作日程表、周报管理和流动资产管理六大功能模块。

    The system will realize six functional modules , such as bulletin board , notice board , contact information , work arrangement , weekly report , and management of current assets with reference to specifications observed on I Board .

  10. 来自格拉斯哥市的《Digger》周报,致力报道和调查犯罪行为。

    The Digger is a weekly newspaper based in Glasgow . It is devoted to reporting and investigating crime .

  11. 专家组得出这一结论是在对2009年甲型H1N1大流行性流感疫苗最新数据进行审查之后,审查结果今天发表在世卫组织的《疫情周报》上。

    The Group reached this conclusion following review of the latest data on pandemic influenza A ( H1N1 ) 2009 vaccines , and the results are published in the WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record today .

  12. 因此,当我在电脑上看到他撰写的最新“中国学”(Sinology)周报,发现他得出有所不同的结论时,并不感到惊讶。

    Therefore , I was not surprised to learn when his latest edition of " Sinology " came across my screen that Andy has come to somewhat different conclusions .

  13. 本文根据临汾市近一年的空气质量周报数据,综合分析了造成临汾市区SO2严重污染的原因,并提出污染防治对策。

    According the city air quality weekly report of Linfen in recent year , try to find the cause of serious pollution of SO 2 in Linfen , put forward the proposal for controlling the SO 2 pollution .

  14. 但《南方公园》从来不在乎这些政治细节,它更在乎用喜剧贬损狂热,捍卫无礼,就像美国版《查理周报》(CharlieHebdo)。

    But " South Park " has never cared much about political fine points so much as comedy that deflates zealots and defends the offensive , like an American Charlie Hebdo .

  15. 格拉斯穿了一件红色羊毛衫,外面罩着厚花呢外套。他抿着白葡萄酒,多数时间都在谈论自己,以及作为一名公共知识分子,他的作品对我们的报纸——《时代》周报(DieZeit)——产生了多大的影响。

    Dressed in a red wool sweater and a thick tweed jacket and sipping white wine , Mr. Grass spent most of the time talking about himself , and how much his work as a public intellectual had influenced our paper , Die Zeit .

  16. “在一些西方国家,政治家们考虑问题依然受冷战思维的影响。”Patrushev对周报的记者讲。

    " Politicians thinking in the categories of the Cold War still retain their influence in a number of Western nations ," Patrushev told the weekly Argumenty I Fakty .

  17. 他们指出像“了解查理周报漫画”这样的网站提供了对于该杂志部分较为粗糙的图片的详细分析,或是一项二月份发表在法国《世界报》(LeMonde)上的研究。

    They point to websites like Understanding Charlie Hebdo Cartoons , which offers detailed analysis of some of the magazine 's ruder images , or to a study published in Le Monde in February stating that , contrary to the notion that the publication focused obsessively on Islam ,

  18. 作家卢克·桑特(LucSante)也签署了联名抗议信。虽然他评价遇袭身亡的漫画家之一乔治·沃林斯基(GeorgesWolinski)的作品“充满人性、非常大度”,但认为部分《查理周报》供稿人传播的却是“不成熟的挑衅式幽默”。

    The writer Luc Sante , who also signed the letter of protest , said that while the work of Georges Wolinski , one of the cartoonists killed in the attack , " was humane and large-spirited , " some of Charlie Hedbo 's contributors trafficked in " sophomoric troll humor . "

  19. 很快,奥维尔和威尔伯开始出版周报。

    Soon , Orville and Wilbur were publishing a weekly newspaper .

  20. 他是《日本时代周报》的前编辑。

    He is the former editor of the Japan Times Weekly .

  21. 从《体坛周报》看体育类报纸发展

    Viewing the Development of Sports Newspapers from ' Titan Sports '

  22. 城市空气质量周报效用分析

    Analysis of Impact of Week report of Atmospheric Quality of City

  23. 运行核电厂监督周报的内容与格式

    The Content and Format of Weekly Inspection Report on Operating NPPs

  24. 终于有一家周报登出了她的照片。

    At last her picture appeared in one of the weeklies .

  25. 2005年,报社开始面向小学生出版《语文周报》。

    The newspaper began to publish for primary school students in 2005 .

  26. 终于到了周六,那份《萨加摩尔周报》来了。

    At last the Saturday came , and the WEEKLY SAGAMORE arrived .

  27. 以周报月报等方式为高层决策提供市场分析。

    Provide marketing insights and weekly and monthly updates to senior management .

  28. 每周收好周报并做好统计工作。

    To collect the workbook and fill in the workbook statistic weekly .

  29. 介绍了进度周报在项目沟通中的应用和体会。

    The application of Weekly Progress Report in project communication is described .

  30. 政府支持是空气质量周报工作的保证

    Government Support is Assurance of the Work of Weekly Air Quality Report