
  1. 今年23岁的周英说:我和班上的同学不是很熟。

    " I am not familiar with most of my classmates anyway ," said the 23-year-old .

  2. 在广州一家辅导中心担任顾问的刘鑫梁(音译)非常体谅申晴和周英的苦衷。

    Liu Xinliang , a consultant at a Guangzhou-based counseling center , understands the excuses given by Shen Qing and Zhou Ying .

  3. 来自北京交通大学英语专业的周英(音译)认为,现在不比从前,同学间的关系已经没那么紧密了。

    Zhou Ying , an English major at Beijing Jiaotong University , says that class ties just aren ` t as strong as they used to be .