
  1. onaverage平均,按平均数计算他平均一周看三部电影。

    On average he watches three movies a week

  2. 国际新闻主编周看(JoeKahn)将负责NYTGlobal的采编战略。国际部总裁史蒂芬·丹巴-约翰逊(StephenDunbar-Johnson)将主持商务运营。

    Joe Kahn , an assistant masthead editor for international , will lead NYT Global 's editorial strategy alongside Stephen Dunbar-Johnson , the international president , who will oversee the business operations .

  3. 让我们这周看电视,好不好?

    Let us watch TV this week , will you ?

  4. 他通常一周看两次英语书。

    He usually reads books about English twice a week .

  5. 爱德华.格林:那你能不能本周看一下产品?

    EDWARD GREEN : Could you possibly see the product this week ?

  6. 从米兰设计周看绿色设计的现在、未来

    Green Design 's Nowadays and Future from Milan Design Week

  7. 他平均一周看三部电影。

    On average he watches three movies a week .

  8. 你一周看多长时间的电视?

    How long do you watch TV a week ?

  9. 这是我这周看他的第三本书了

    It 's the third book of his I 've read this week .

  10. 我想那时我一周看一次。

    I think I saw it from that moment on nearly once a week .

  11. 走向转型升级的中国假日旅游&从十一黄金周看我国假日旅游的发展

    China Holiday Tour towards Shift and Upgrade

  12. 从黄金周看我国的旅游法制建设

    The construction of China 's tourism legal system in terms of " Golden Week "

  13. 我一周看两次电视。

    I watch TV twice a week .

  14. 当她一周看四次牙医的时候我就应该猜到的,我的意思是,牙齿能有多干净。

    I guess I should have caught on when she started going to the dentist four and five times a week . I mean , how clean can teeth get ?

  15. 别忘了下周晚看noir。

    Don 't forget , next week 's Noir night .

  16. 这周你看《塞勒姆》或《黑色孤儿》了吗?

    Did you check out Salem or Orphan Black this weekend ?

  17. 先用上一周再看

    Try it for a week , and we 'll see .

  18. 6.在你假期开始的前一周,看一下你的计划。

    One week before your vacation , take a look at your schedule .

  19. 离婚后,他一周仅看两次他孤单的女儿。

    Lonely was seeing his daughter only twice a week since the divorce .

  20. 一周之内看一个国家看不了多少地方。

    How much of a job would it be to rebuild the garage ?

  21. 他们每隔两周去看爷爷奶奶一次。

    They visit their grandparents every two weeks .

  22. 她的精细运动技能受到影响,所以每两周要看一次职业治疗师和物理治疗师。

    Her fine motor skills were affected so she visits an occupational therapist and physiotherapist every two weeks .

  23. 然后,我本周已经看出来这是一个漫长的过程,虽然我希望不是。

    There are times when you just have realise that finishing it all as soon as possible would be best .

  24. 少看电视的益处是很明显的,如果你试着一周不看电视或少看,看看自己感觉怎么样。

    Benefits of less TV will be obvious , if you try life without TV for a week or less and see how you feel .

  25. 61%的受访女性称她们宁愿两周不看电视,也不能忍受一周不上网。

    Sixty-one percent of the women surveyed said they would rather give up watching television for two weeks than give up access to the Internet for one week .

  26. 出国旅行前四到六周去看医生是明智的做法,询问医生应接种哪些疫苗,以及应该准备哪些预防药物,比如疟疾丸和用于治疗严重胃病的处方抗生素。

    Four to six weeks before foreign travel , it 's wise to visit a doctor for recommended vaccines and cautionary medications such as malaria pills and a prescription antibiotic in the event of a bad stomach bug .

  27. 本周我已经看了两部好电影。

    I have seen two good films this week .

  28. 伊朗迈赫尔通讯社(Mehr)引述扎里夫的话称:我们已决定在未来三四周全力以赴,看能否达成一项协议。

    We have decided to work full time for the next three or four weeks to see whether or not it will be possible to reach an agreement , Mr Zarif was quoted as saying by Iranian news agency Mehr .

  29. 我两周才去看我的孩子一次。

    I only get to see my kids every other weekend .

  30. 不过这些改变在三周内还看不出来。

    These changes were not evident at three weeks .