
  • 网络Surroundings;Gururi no koto
  1. 最初,阿娜贝尔和我尽谈些周围的事。

    At first , Annabel and I talked of peripheral affairs .

  2. 可是他一点也没有被他周围的事所吓着。

    But he wasn 't at all intimidated by his surroundings .

  3. 天啊!我忙得无法注意我周围的事!

    My goodness ! I 'm too busy to look about me !

  4. 发信息和报告那些发生在他们周围的事�

    to send in information and reports on what was happening around them .

  5. “他在读一本小说,对周围的事毫无感觉。”

    " He was reading a novel , completely lost to the world . "

  6. 这些年来,我觉得很多人都对自己周围的事想当然了。

    I think these days people take a lot of things for granted , including myself .

  7. 你们对你们的历史竟一无所知。这真荒谬,因为都是发生在你们周围的事。

    You know nothing about your history . it 's ridiculous , when it 's all around you .

  8. 全无感觉、意识和生气。他在读一本小说,对周围的事毫无感觉。

    Devoid of feeling and consciousness and animation . He was reading a novel , completely lost to the world .

  9. 希腊的历史可以追溯到人们还不会书写的年代,因此当时发生在人民周围的事没有留下文字记载。

    Greece 's history can be traced back to people cannot write era , so when occurs in people 's things around left no written records .

  10. 我们是一种“头脑”动物,由此我们全然忘记我们的身体,忘记它们是如何运作的,也忘记了此刻发生在我们周围的事。

    We 're such'head'creatures that we utterly forget about our bodies and how they 're operating , as well as what is happening around us right now .

  11. 可我恨我周围的那些事。

    But I hate the things I see around me .

  12. 如何用阴阳学说来分析在我们周围发生的事呢?

    How to use the theory of yin-yang to analyze things happened around us ?

  13. 试着深呼吸,然后远离你周围发生的事吧。

    Try to take a deep breath and distance yourself from what is going on around you .

  14. 我开始每天仔细观察生活,观察我周围发生的事,哪怕是微不足道的小事。

    I start to observe what happens around me every day ; even it is a little incident .

  15. 你选择来观察事物的镜头,决定了你如何感受自己以及发生在你周围的一切事。

    The lens you choose to view everything through determines how you feel about yourself and everything that happens around you .

  16. 保持冷静,时常留意你周围发生的事,看看窗外、听听鸟叫、出去散散步。

    Keep your eyes up . See the world happening around you . Stare out a window . Listen to the birds . Take a walk .

  17. 他们的主要兴趣是音乐和数学,他们把大部分时间都花在思考数学问题上,以致于他们周围发生的事他们都没注意到。

    Their main interests are music and mathematics.They spend so much time thinking abut mathe - matical problems that they do not notice what is happening around them .

  18. 医学全在,线关心周围的任何事,和亲人朋友能够和睦相处,且对生活充满了信心,并尽我所能的帮助需要帮助的人。

    Concerned about anything around , friends and loved ones can live in harmony , and life is full of confidence and do my best to help people in need of help .

  19. 她对周围的人和事毫无兴趣。

    She took no interest in the people and things around her .

  20. 睁大你的眼睛仔细看看周围的人和事醒醒吧是时候了

    Open your eyes.Look around.Wake up . Isn 't it about time ?

  21. 轻易地与周围的人或事达到同步状态。

    Easily get in sync physically with people and things around you .

  22. 我对于周围所发生的事只模模糊糊地知道一些。

    I had only an indistinct understanding of what was passing around me .

  23. 但我貌似并没有当初想象那么了解这周围的人和事都是怎样一回事。

    But seems I am not really aware of things around very well .

  24. 小孩子对周围的每件事感到好奇。

    Children are naturally curious about everything around them .

  25. 对周围的人和事心存信任真的是一件乐事。

    Have faith in people and things around us can be a really enjoyable thing .

  26. 对周围的人和事有自己的看法和见解,对新事物的接受能力强。

    Have self-view and self-understanding of the surrounding people and thing have strong ability to receive the new things .

  27. 每一个否定者都在自觉或不自觉地否定周围的人或事,但是否定者通常也会遭遇其它否定者的再否定。

    Every naysayer is negating people and things around them consciously and unconsciously , while also being negated by other naysayers .

  28. 毫无疑问,早期的独立有利于年经人更好地理解周围的人和事。

    It goes without saying that earlier independence helps young people to better understand the people around them and the world as a whole .

  29. 在《白鲸》中,叙述者以实玛利常常对周围的人和事发表雄辩、冗长、浮华的评论,此时,他公开地向读者展示了自己的存在。

    In Moby-Dick , the narrator Ishmael often gives out his eloquent , verbose , and extravagant comment on the events around him , and he presents himself overtly .

  30. 如果常常存著一种「感恩的心」,用这种心念去对待周围的人与事,时时都会感到愉快与满足!

    If we always harbor a " grateful mind ", dealing with people and things around us with a mind of gratitude , we will always feel happy and content .