
  1. 本文阐述了WebsphereApplicationServer为改进性能如何将JMS提供程序的空闲连接存储在池中。

    This article explained how WebSphere Application Server pools free connections to JMS providers in order to improve performance .

  2. 池维护线程检查c1,发现其在池中存在的时间大于未使用超时的值。

    The pool maintenance thread checks c1 and discovers it been in the pool for longer than the value of Unused timeout .

  3. 他喜欢在池中养鲤鱼。

    He is interested in the cultivation of trout in ponds .

  4. 在池中分配和回收对象是由以下程序完成的

    Allocating and de-allocating objects within the pool is done by

  5. 游伴在池中嬉水;

    Playmates ducking each other in the pool ;

  6. 像在池中打水漂儿。

    Like a rock skipping off a pond .

  7. 如果这会显著影响性能,可能应该考虑在池中增加更多物理内存。

    If this impacts performance dramatically , it 's probably time to add more physical memory to the pool .

  8. 赤泥经处理后,通常在池中储存,待水分挥发后,分离出红色粘土状物质。

    Treated sludge is often stored in ponds where the water eventually evaporates , leaving behind a dried , red , clay-like soil .

  9. 因为在于数据库交互时,打开以及关闭数据库的开销是非常昂贵的,您应该将您的数据库连接放在池中并且能重新使用。

    Since opening and closing the connection is the most expensive part of interacting with a database , you will want to pool and reuse your database connection .

  10. 维护线程在池中查看每个连接,检查连接在池中存放的时间以及连接自创建和最后一次使用以来已经过多长时间。

    The maintenance thread looks at each connection in the pool , checks how long it has been in the pool , and how much time has elapsed since it was created and last used .

  11. 我让他们有机会感受在池中的环境,知道他们可以做什么,避免在快游到尽头的时候用一下小划水。

    I like them to have a chance of knowing their surroundings in the pool , know what they are really able to do , and to avoid the dreaded short pull at the end of a race .

  12. 每天上午富兰克林都在游泳池中游泳,在池边晒太阳。

    Franklin swam and sunbathed at the pool every morning .

  13. 侦听器端口从ConnectionManager请求连接,ConnectionManager在空闲池中查找jms/CF1,并发现空闲池为空。

    The listener port requests a connection from the Connection Manager , which looks in the free pool for jms / CF1 and finds that it is empty .

  14. Hypervisor在共享池中存储虚拟处理器的整个处理周期。

    The hypervisor stores the entire processing cycles of a virtual processor in the shared pool .

  15. 一般来说,对于批量插入,您会希望积极地进行异步页清除(asynchronouspagecleaning),这样在缓冲池中就总有可用于新页的空余位置。

    In general for bulk inserts , you will want asynchronous page cleaning to take place quite aggressively so that there are always free slots in the buffer pool for new pages .

  16. 用TEACO2激光脉冲聚焦在真空池中的金属靶上,激光产生等离子体的反向喷射会在器壁和金属靶之间产生电压脉冲。

    Focusing the TEA CO2 laser pulse onto a metal target in the vacuum cell , the backward jet of plasma produced by laser pulse can create electric pulse between target and cellwall .

  17. 最小连接属性的缺省值为1,这意味着ConnectionManager出于性能原因将总是尝试在空闲池中至少保持一个连接。

    The default value of the Minimum connections property is 1 , which means that the Connection Manager will always try to keep at least one connection in the free pool , for performance reasons .

  18. 另外,因为XML列在缓冲池中缓存而CLOB列不是,所以XML列的潜在开销通常会增加。

    Additionally , the potential overhead of XML columns is often outweighed by the fact that XML columns are buffered in the buffer pool while CLOB columns are not .

  19. 物料衡算结果表明:在厌氧池中,溶解性有机物被微生物细胞吸收而使污水中COD浓度下降,NH4+-N因细胞的合成而被部分去除。

    The results showed that material balance : the anaerobic pond , dissolved organic matter was microbial cells absorb sewage concentration of COD dropped , NH4 + - N because of the cell , which was partly removed .

  20. 当为主服务器分配一个目录以便在存储池中使用时,这一目录必须也存在于所有HDR和RSS辅助服务器上。

    When a directory is given to a primary server for use in the storage pool , that same directory must also exist on all HDR and RSS secondary servers .

  21. 结果表明,在厌氧池中用高效菌接种比用活性污泥接种对COD(cr)、PVA和色度的去除率分别提高5.3%、12.7%和9.97%。

    The results showed that the removal activities of COD , PVA and colour in an anaerobic bioreactor inoculated with dye-decolouring mixed bacteria were 5.30 % , 12 % and 9.97 % respectively , higher than that with activated sludge .

  22. 相反,uncapped分区在共享池中的额外处理能力出现时,可以利用这些额外处理能力,最大限度由VP度量指定。

    In contrast , an uncapped partition can leverage extra processing power from the shared pool when it is available for use up to an amount identified by the VP metric .

  23. 在这个池中,我们将创建一个虚拟服务器,它有7个专用处理器和30GBRAM,还有适中的80GB硬盘空间。

    From this pool , we will create a virtual server with seven dedicated processors and 30 GB RAM , with a modest 8 GB hard drive space .

  24. 喂养30d后,鼠尾根部负荷5%体质量的铅丝,置小鼠在游泳池中游泳,水温(25±1)℃。

    After 30-day feeding , mice were put in pools to swim at ( 25 ± 1 ) ℃ with their tails loaded with 5 % - body-mass plumbum wire .

  25. 采用界面吸附法测定了微量TRPO浓度体系在搅拌池中的界面积,根据实验结果回归了两相界面积关联式,计算值与实验值的相对偏差小于5%。

    A formula is correlated from the experimental results and is proposed to calculate the interfacial areas for studied system . The relative deviations between the calculated data and experimental ones are within 5 % .

  26. 无粘结预应力混凝土在圆池中的应用与质量控制

    Application of unbounded prestressed on round pool and its quality control

  27. 华盛顿纪念碑和林肯纪念堂都倒影在反思池中。

    It reflects both the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial .

  28. 工作负载可以被均匀地分布在资源池中。

    The workload can be evenly spread across the resource pool .

  29. 下游泳池,在游泳池中泡一下锅应放在洗碗池下方。

    Dunk oneself ina pool The pan belongs under the sink .

  30. 生物二沉池的轴安装在水泥池中。

    Bio-Clarifier shaft is supplied to be installed in concrete tankage .