
  • 网络Beside the Plum Blossoms
  1. 我听“在梅边”,是因为我在翻译阿信的歌词。

    I listened to " Beside the Plum Tree " because I was translating Ashin 's lyrics .

  2. 这首戏曲也激发我对专辑第一首歌曲《在梅边》的创作灵感。

    This opera also inspired me in writing " Beside the Plum ," the first song of the new album .

  3. 如果天气冷,我就穿一些较暖和的衣服,和我的狗在梅边长时间地散步。

    If the weather is cold with my dog . I put on some warm clothes and go for long walks on the shore .

  4. 第一首歌《在梅边》的灵感来自元朝剧作家汤显祖的昆曲-《牡丹亭》。

    Zai Mei Bian , the first track , was inspired by the Kun Opera The Peony Pavilion , a masterpiece by Yuan Dynasty dramatist Tang Xianzu .

  5. 从第一个音符,妈妈就听出《在梅边》。我想说一些事情关于妈妈和她对好音乐的欣赏,不管是什么语言。

    Mom recognized " Beside the Plum Tree " from the first note , which I think says something about her and her appreciation of good music , whatever the language .