
  1. 以日立公司在库管理软件为实例项目,分析了现有自动化测试原理方法和局限性,并针对局限性设计出一种基于LoadRunner自动测试技术和缺陷管理技术结合的构架模型。

    To against former these limitations , we had proposed a new framework model which is combined the technology of Load Runner automated testing and Bug management , based on analyzed the limitations of automated testing methods and principles .

  2. 负责生产材料和包装材料的在库管理和控制;

    Be responsible for custom management of production material .

  3. 接着对系统的基本信息管理模块、入库管理模块、在库管理模块、出库管理模块进行了深入的研究。

    Then , it makes an intensive study of the function of information management , enter-warehouse management , in-warehouse management , out-of-warehouse and intelligent alarm management .

  4. 本系统包括六个功能模块:入库管理模块,出库管理模块,在库管理模块,加工管理模块,结算模块,基本数据管理模块。

    The system includes six functional modules : storage management module , a database management module , in the database management module , the processing management module , billing module , and basic data management module .

  5. 动态规划在药库管理中的应用

    The Application of Dynamic Programming to the Drug Administration

  6. 在构件库管理系统中,构件的分类方式及其检索是最基本也是最核心的功能之一。

    In this system , component retrieval is the most basic and important function .

  7. 采用回收站的机制在库中管理单条和成批的波谱数据;

    Realizing data deletion and reversion piecemeal or in batches with mechanism of recycle bin ;

  8. 考虑到模糊评判模型应用的广泛程度,给出了在模型库管理系统中的实现。

    Considering the wide usage of fuzzy evaluation model , the paper then gives its realization in MBMS .

  9. 药品质量数据分析在医院药库管理中的应用

    Application of Qualitative Data Analysis of Drugs in Hospital Management of Drug Storehouse

  10. 模糊灰色综合评价方法及在尾矿库安全管理中的应用

    Synthetical evaluation method of Grey-fuzzy and its application in the safety-management of tailing reservoir

  11. 在构件库的管理中,检索和提取满足用户需求的构件一直是构造软件库的核心问题。

    In management of component library , retrieval and selection of the components that meet the user 's needs is the core questions .

  12. 1998-2007年昭通市中药检验质量分析药品质量数据分析在医院药库管理中的应用

    Analysis of Quality for traditional Chinese medicine detection in Zhaotong During 1998-2007 Application of Qualitative Data Analysis of Drugs in Hospital Management of Drug Storehouse

  13. 在故障知识库管理模块中,可对知识库进行知识的添加、删除和修改;在故障分析模块中,可依据故障现象或者故障关键词进行推理,从而得出诊断结果。

    In the knowledge base management module , knowledge can be operated such as added , deleted and modified ; in the fault analysis module , diagnosis results can be reasoned according to the fault phenomenon or fault keywords .

  14. RFID在货币重点库物流管理系统中的应用研究

    Application of RFID in Logistics Management System of Issuing Bank

  15. 闸门远程监控系统在汤河水库工程管理中的应用

    Application of the gate remote monitoring system in Tanghe reservoir engineering management

  16. 计算机系统在钢卷库库区管理上的应用

    Application of computer system in coil yard management

  17. 数据应用环境的演变和数据模式的越来越复杂,促使系统实现者在数据(库)管理系统中引入了面向对象的概念。

    With the changing application environment and more complex data modes , object oriented concept has been introduced in DBMS .

  18. 接下来,可在完整存储库队列管理器上定义本地查询,并在集群上公开它们,以便进行工作负载平衡。

    Next , define local queues on the full repository queue manager and expose them on the cluster for workload balancing .

  19. 但是在警用装备库的管理方面,还没能实现能够利用网络系统实行自动化管理。

    However , in Police Equipment library management , yet be able to use the Internet to achieve the implementation of automated management systems .