
  • 网络commodity standardization
  1. 选定商品标准化专家小组

    Group of Experts on Standardization of Selected Commodities

  2. 消费文化的蔓延已经使得整个世界成为了充斥着商品标识的标准化的世界。

    The spread of the consumerism culture has already made the whole world become a world with the character of standard commodity .

  3. 图书营销分类法行业标准的编制与实施应该符合标准本身的定位以及图书营销分类活动的特点,并遵循和运用相关的文献分类、商品分类和标准化活动的原理和方法。

    The compilation and implement of book marketing classification industry standard should be consistent with the book marketing category , combined with principles and methods of relevant literature classification and standardization activities .